Chapter 33

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You cry in Finn's arms devastated.
(Finn): Y/N!! Y/N?! ARE YOU OK?!?!
Nick hears Finn freaking out so he bursts into Finn's room.
(Nick): WHAT'S WRONG?!?!
(Finn): it's y/n. I think she had a nightmare...
(Nick): are you serious Finn?
(Finn): YES!!
Nick walks over to Finn's bed.
(Nick): y/n? Are you ok?
(Y/n): ...
You just keep crying in Finn's arms. You just feel really safe in his arms that you never want to leave Finn's arms...
(Nick): Finn... you two can stay from school today if it makes you feel better...
(Finn): I think that's a good idea... what do you think y/n?
You don't say anything you just keep on crying, but you nod yes.
(Finn): ok Nick we're staying here...
(Nick): ok let me tell mom to call the school...
(Finn): ok... thank you Nick
(Nick): no problem
Nick walks out of Finn's room and goes downstairs.
You don't stop crying, but your more calm than you were before. You get out of your hug with Finn, but you two are sitting up cuddling so that you still feel safe.
(Finn): y/n?
You look up at him saying nothing.
(Finn): are you ok? What was your dream about? I heard you saying my name and calling for help...
You look straight once again and you say nothing, you just stare at his door.
(Finn): ok you don't have to tell me now, but will you tell me eventually?
You nod.
(Y/n): not yet though...
(Finn): *smiles* I missed your voice
Finn holds you closer, and kisses the top of your head and leans his head on the top of yours. You start to blush and you also smile.
(Finn): I hate seeing you cry.... whenever you feel sad... talk to me... kiss me... think of me... or text me... I'll always respond...
You look up at Finn, he sees you blushing and he starts to blush.
(Y/n): *mimicking Eleven* promise?
(Finn): *laughs a little* promise.
Finn kisses you.
(Finn): you know I love you right?
(Y/n): yes. And I love you too!
You and Finn both blush a lot, and your eyes have locked... you won't look away... it's like you can't... then out of nowhere Finn gets a text...

A/N: word count: 383 words

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