Chapter 38

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A/N: ⚠️ sensitive content ⚠️

=== Finn's POV ===

(Y/t): everyone's beat up pretty badly, maybe we should head back to my house and they can just skip class...
It's still lunch and everyone's sitting at our normal table outside. You and Jack are sitting beside each other. Jack's holding an ice pack to his black eye.
(Finn): does anyone want to skip the rest of the day and come to my house?
(Jack): sure
(Jaeden): can I bring my girlfriend?
(Finn): sure- WAIT! You have a girlfriend?! When did that happen?!?!
(Jaeden): oh! I've been dating her for a while low key. I guess I never really mentioned it
(Wyatt): can I invite someone too?
(Finn): sure! What's their name?
(Wyatt): Lily, her names Lily *smiles*
(Sophia): oooooo looks like someone has a crush!
(Wyatt): *blushes* sh-shut up Soph!
Everyone laughs.
(Finn): anyone else?
(Gaten): sure! I'll brb tho!
Gaten gets up and leaves.
(Finn): ok, anyone else?
(Sophia): Caleb, Jeremy, Saidie and I can't, fucking science exam...
(Caleb): yeah...
(Noah): can I invite someone too?
(Finn): sure! What's their name?
(Noah): Teresa
Jaeden jolts his head up.
(Jaeden): did you just say Teresa?!
(Noah): yeah... why?
(Jaeden): that's my girlfriend's name... HOW THE HELL DID YOU MEET HER?!?!
(Noah): when I was on the ground all beat up by fucking Sartorius!

=== Noah's POV ===

~flashback to earlier~

Your on the ground in pain.
(Y/t): how did I get beat up?!?! Why did I get beat up?!?!
(???): hey. Are you ok?! Hello? Your Noah Schnapp right?
(Noah): yes... who are you?
(Teresa): *giggles* my name's Teresa. But a lot of my friends call me Tere for short.
(Noah): that's a beautiful name!
(Y/t): for a beautiful girl!

=== Jaeden's POV ===


(Y/t): if Noah gets feelings for my girl I swear to god, I will kill him. I know I've only been dating Tere for a while now, but I think I'm falling in love with her...
(Sophia): Jaeden? Earth to Jaeden?
(Jaeden): hmm?
(Sophia): you were spacing out there staring at Noah *giggles*
(Jaeden): oh! *laughs nervously* yeah sorry about that!
(Finn): Jaeden are you ok? You look pissed...
(Jaeden): oh no I'm fine...
(Y/t): no, I'm not ok... please, help me...
Gaten comes back with a girl.
(Sophia): Gaten you never told us you had a girlfriend!
Sophia gets up from her seat and hugs the girl.
(Gaten): *normal voice* she not my girlfriend! *whispers to everyone* not yet at least...
(Kylie): I feel like I have to introduce myself because last time I didn't even speak *laughs nervously* ok, so my name is Kylie, I moved here recently from Québec, I adore st {Stranger Things}, but I've never seen IT before, but I know that most of you here star in IT *giggles*
(Gaten): so Finn, can she come? If she wants...
(Finn): only if she wants to, Kylie do you want to come to my house and skip the rest of sch-
(Kylie): SURE! I would skip the rest of school in a heartbeat
(Finn): ok, cool

=== Finn's POV ===

(Y/t): I remember when we first met Kylie, y/n introduced her to all of us... SHIT I FORGOT ALL ABOUT
(Jeremy): hey Finn you ok?
(Finn): can I get like a 5 min head start? I need to do something at my house!
(Sophia): yeah, of course, what do you need to do?
(Finn): my rooms a complete mess!
(Jaeden): oh ok
(Jack): I'll come with you!
(Finn): ok c'mon!
You and Jack run to your house. You open them door, and you hear someone screaming in the near distance... it sounded like it was coming from your room...
(Finn): shit...

=== Y/n's POV ===

~after your flashback~

(Y/n): why did you leave? WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?!?! WHY?!?!?! Why? Why... Finn...
You feel tears falling down your face. You crawl onto Finn's bead and cry on his pillow. After a few minutes of crying you look up from the pillow.
(Y/n): why did you leave me?.. I thought that you loved me...
You look to a little side table besides Finn's bed. You want him to pay for what he did, you don't know why, but you just needed to get all that anger and sadness out of your system. You needed to trash Finn Wolfhard's room. You open the side table and dump everything onto his floor. You go through his dresser and through all of his clean good looking clothes on the floor. You get to one specific drawer and you through everything in it on the ground, you notice this whole in his drawer.
(Y/n): what the hell?
You notice that it's just a cover. You take off the cover, and you find a sharp blade with blood on it.
(Y/n): why does Finn have this blade in his drawer?!
You start crying even more. You get flashbacks of seeing Finn, you realize that he's always wearing sweaters or something covering his arms.
(Y/n): Finn? OMG FINN!!!!!!!
You start crying even more than you ever have before, and that's saying a lot.
(Y/n): WHY?!?! IS IT BECAUSE OF ME?!?!
You scream in pain not realizing what your doing. You look at what your doing, you were cutting your arm...

A/N: word count: 883 words

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