49 | Tranquil

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"There's no way I'd let Hagami-san die after what she's done for our Village." Naruto stood back up, his hand lifting from over her heart. "And what she's done for your family, and Clan. Without her...I've heard the rumors that the Uchiha Clan would've been massacred."

"Arigato...arigato...arigato (Thank you...thank you...thank you) Naruto." Shisui was cradling Hagami in his arms, his body shaking from both happiness and relief. Sasuke was kneeling beside the two of them as well, his hand on Hagami's shoulder as warmth steadily returned. It was barely detectable to Sasuke, but he could sense it.

"Itachi should be here soon and he told me that you're not to fight. He wants you to remain with Hagami and protect her. She's your first priority." Naruto added.

"I understand." Shisui raised his head and nodded. When he looked back down to Hagami, he shifted her around until he could pick her up. He put one arm underneath her knees and the other on her lower back. Shisui made sure that her head was on his chest and he leapt away; if he was going to protect her, he might as well remain as far away from the battlefield as possible. He returned to his place beside Kakashi, Lee, and Gaara.

"Will she be okay?" Kakashi broke the silence first, his eyes filled with worry when he saw her pale face.

"Naruto said she'd be fine." Shisui said through a raspy voice. "He funneled chakra directly into her heart."

"Wait, what's that?" Gaara peeked over at Hagami. Through her clothing, there was a sort of curse mark running over her arm. It was singular, but it ran across both arms, both legs, and then one that crawled halfway up the left side of her neck.

"What?" Shisui took a closer look. "I...don't know." His Sharingan flashed to life, but he didn't take it any further.

What he saw, he didn't expect. It was a curse mark, but a temporary one that pulsed with the chakra of the Bijū, distributing chakra throughout each limb in the process. Shisui knew that the Bijū's chakra couldn't last inside Hagami, since she wasn't a Jinchūriki, but it would speed up her recovery more so than normal chakra.

"It's spreading chakra throughout her body, though it's extremely slow and calculated." Shisui responded. "It's a timed release of the Bijū's chakra to help her recover."

"So it is giving her chakra fast enough to keep her from dying but slow enough that it will heal her on it's way through?" Lee asked for confirmation.

"Yes, it seems that way." Shisui responded, the shock and relief still sinking into his mind. "Her chakra network had been torn apart, so that is a safe assumption." His muscles slowly began to slacken; he knew now that Hagami would return safely to Konohagakure.


When the war ended, nothing remained as it was beforehand. Many of the Villages let down their walls to both accept help and give help to those in need. They became shelters for those who have lost everything and places of employment to those who could offer anything. Shinobi were in and out of the Villages as a result, mingling and almost becoming absorbed into others if they stayed too long.

Konohagakure's shinobi were no exception.

Day in and day out, shinobi arrived and left sometimes in a blink of an eye to deliver supplies or receive them. Rarely did they catch a break unless they're seriously injured in the war and were restricted from moving around too much.

Amongst those shinobi included Hagami and Sasuke. The two were partnered in a hospital room so neither would feel too lonely. It was also to prevent Hagami from falling asleep for too long, as she had no incentive to move around, let alone stay awake if no one was there. So, as a result, Tsunade had moved Sasuke into her room in hopes to at least motivate her to stay away for at least ten hours of the day.

The Story of Hagami III [Naruto Fanfic | Uchiha] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now