42 | Alive

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Part I

Hagami and Shisui raced to the battlefront, using their speed to gain ground faster than the shinobi around them. Hagami landed before Naruto and Sai could as something frightening made her blood run cold. By the time she landed, she saw Hashirama kneeling on the ground, rods of the same material as the Truth-Seeking balls running through him, paralyzing him.

When Hagami turned to Madara, she felt an even larger chakra radiate off of him. She also saw what looked like steam rising up from him.

"What is this?!" Shisui called out and Hagami turned around.

"Don't touch those rods!" Hagami snapped as Shisui reached for one. But as soon as she said that, she turned around to face Madara as he regained his true form. Somehow he had been reanimated. "What's going on? I...I thought Obito wasn't going to..." She turned in that general direction but then felt something merged with his chakra. It was then that she realized that he was being manipulated, so she couldn't hold it against him this time.

"This is the form, the body I needed!" Madara exclaimed in excitement. He looked as his hands and Hagami's muscles tensed, nearly cramping up on her until she realized that the Rinnegan of a reanimation wouldn't carry over to a real life body. However, that was short lived when she remembered that Obito possessed a Rinnegan eye. "It's not a battle without raging blood and a pounding heart!"

Hagami was about to throw something she could attach her chakra to when black flames suddenly encased Madara. She looked up to see both Itachi and Sasuke on the back of a bird made of ink and chakra.

She guessed that Sasuke had casted the Amaterasu from Madara's blind spot, but at the moment it didn't seem to faze him much.

"Ancient relics...should remain in the past!" Sasuke shouted as Naruto arrived. Hagami's eyes caught the caster of the ink jutsu, it was the one with the large scroll looped around his midsection and resting on his back.

"A brat who doesn't even come close to my level..." Madara seemed to be careful with his words, but also reckless with his body though it didn't seem the black flames had any effect. "You stole my line."

"Sasuke!" Naruto called out. "It's pointless to just throw attacks at him. Did you already forget that Madara has the ability to absorb Ninjutsu?!"

"It is these two polar opposites operating together that give rise to all things in this universe. Hashirama, do you remember me telling you this long ago in front of the Uchiha Stone Tablet? That the inscription on the stone says, 'when two opposite sides cooperate, you have true happiness'? But I also told you it could be interpreted differently."

"That's..." Hashirama trailed off.

"The one who obtains both Uchiha and Senju powers can attain true happiness. Don't you think it could be read that way as well?" Madara asked. "Hashirama?"

"It seems you've been doing a lot of plotting, since you left the Village." Hashirama noted.

"No, actually this is something my subordinate's comrade came up with by coincidence." Madara corrected. "Seems there was a fellow who thought a lot like me." He brought his arm up to his mouth, and quite gingerly be bit into his skin. Hagami put her arm out in front of her body, her hands already bearing a kunai in each whilst Shisui got into a defensive stance as well.

"However," Madara continued bringing his arm away. "My coming back to life was exactly as planned!" He brought his hands together into the tiger hand seal whilst Hashirama struggled to move.

Hagami's Mangekyō Sharingan flared to life. Madara's movements were slowed down but she wasn't his first target. In fact, he targeted Naruto first, then Sai, then Shisui, who was behind her, and then struck at her in her blind spot. Hagami, however, flipped around, her hand already redirecting Madara's force.

But as soon as she did that, Madara's leg was already inches from her ribs.

S***. She cursed but she was already facing it so she used that to her advantage. Paired with her sixth sense and nimble body, she placed both hands on Madara's leg and was able to slip past it, without receiving damage.

"I forgot you're hard to catch." Madara muttered as he dropped down. He swung his leg where she was going to land but she merely twisted her body. She twisted to the right, leveling out her body in the process before swinging her right leg toward Madara's left temple.

He hastily caught her leg, surprised at her agility. But that wasn't enough as she threw her left fist as his cheek. She didn't succeed, as her wrist was caught too, but her hand did briefly wrap around his own. Before Madara could let go, she funneled her chakra straight into him, leaving him paralyzed for perhaps a few seconds, long enough for her to dislodge her wrist and ankle and to leapt away.

However, what she didn't realize, was that now she and Madara had switched places. And being this fatigued already allowed Madara to loosen Hagami's control with relative ease.

"I must say, this is a handy ability. But I can tell you're exhausted. Earlier you're able to hold me longer, but now," Madara broke free, enough to make Hagami stumble back, and she braced for impact.

It never came.

Instead she heard Hashirama let out a strangled scream and when she opened her eyes, she saw Madara holding him by the throat.

"NO!" Hagami shouted and she ran toward him. The kunai she had originally had in her hand had been sheathed but now she took it back out. It had a trip wire attached so as soon as she threw it, Madara leapt out of the way.

She drew her hand back, and her feet pivoted on a dime. She threw the kunai toward him, angling her hand to try to catch him as he fell back to the ground. However, she missed. Perhaps weaponry wasn't her best bet.

Hagami instead opted to chase after him.

"Raiton, Raikou Hitofuki no Jutsu (Lightning Style, Lightning Blast Jutsu)!" Hagami weaved the hand signs as she ran and when she was close enough, she started engaging in close range combat. Madara knew that she possessed enough to injure him now, so he stayed out of her way.

"This is the perfect chance now that you're flesh and blood." Sasuke appeared from behind, running toward the two. "This time I'll kill you for good ad send you back to the afterlife! Regret that you're still not a reanimation as you go to your death!" Sasuke shouted as he tracked Hagami with his eyes.

She moved along with Madara and Sasuke moved with Hagami. With their motions nearly in sync, they each took turns at trying to hit their target. But once they're in perfect sync, Hagami leapt backward as Sasuke lunged forward. His hand was angled with the blade going straight ahead, ready to run Madara through the heart whilst his other hand's palm rested on the hilt's end.

In a clean jab, Sasuke's katana pierced skin. But, though originally intended for the heart, Sasuke's katana went clean through Madara's bicep as he turned to avoid it. Both hands, both gloved, caught the katana before Sasuke could draw it back. Now it was at a stand still, Hagami stood not to far away but didn't strike, knowing that she now risked hitting Sasuke if Madara were to change his direction.

The Story of Hagami III [Naruto Fanfic | Uchiha] [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now