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A dirty hand shot through the door and wrapped around Jo's mouth in a firm grip. She squealed in shock, while trying to scramble away from the unknown person. With an irritated sigh, the grip tightened and pulled her through the door. With the momentum of being yanked, Jo shoved her captor to the ground. With a deep grunt, she was released. Jo quickly jumped up to her feet ready to kill, but hesitated as her eyes grew accustomed to the light. Getting up in front of her was no other than Daryl. With nothing but a pair of ripped jeans on and a look of hope in his eyes. He let his muscles relax a bit as he saw his friend realize who her savor was. 

The infectious hope spread through Joelle's body and creeped up into her eyes, with the sight of him. Jo felt safe for half  a moment before Daryl hastily reached out and wrapped his strong fingers around her wrist. He spun around and sprinted down the hall with her trailing him. Nothing could be heard in the corridors aside from the soft footsteps of their bare feet. Once they reached the end of the hallway, Jo was swung around the corner and into Daryl's warm, big arms. 

They both took a moment to gather their breath. Jo was on the verge of tears from the excitement of leaving the Sanctuary, but kept her composure. Jo lifted her heard from it where it rested on Daryl's chest and looked up into his blue, tired eyes. He felt her gaze and looked back into hers. With an understood nod by both, they resumed their speedy escape down the stairs and burst through the fire door that led to the outside world. Jo was through first and gracefully slipped her wrist out of Daryl's grasp and hoped over the railing. Waiting for him as he whirled around to stop the heavy, metal door from slamming shut, with the palms of his hands. As soon as he thought it was clear, he jumped over the rail too. They both stayed hunched down as they perked their ears up to listen for any commotion. 

There was no sound or hint as to anyone hearing their breakout. It was time. They made eye contact as Daryl nodded his head to a chain link fence behind a line of motorcycles. They bolted. Jo's heart started to pound out of her chest as she could she their escape in front of her. A new weak point in the fence could be seen. Almost like it was freshly made.  With enough force they could push themselves out and be on the other side, to freedom in no time! 

As they got halfway to their destination, she could feel something was off. An eerie feeling crept its way up into her mind. It was way too easy. Memories of her last attempt at freedom raced through her thoughts. Her hand subconsciously reached out towards Daryl to try and stop him. Her fingers brushed his muscular form and he turned his head slightly as if to see if she was still right behind him, then continued on his path. 

The moment he turned back, he instantly stopped. Jo was in such a zoned out state, she ran right into him with full force. They both collided harshly into the cement. Sharp, hot pain quickly spread over Jo's palms and knees. Grunting, Jo cradled her hands into her chest and looked to Daryl. He was seething as he stared ahead of them. Jo felt a shiver of cold fear shoot up her spine as she followed his gaze to the reason of their abrupt stop. 

"You see this boys?.. Now this, this kind of thing just tickles.. my... balls."

Jo couldn't help the last little bit of hope leave her within a warm tear that rolled down her cheek. 

No Way Out *Negan/Daryl/JoelleWhere stories live. Discover now