Chapter Twenty: Final Chapter

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March, 2010

Our family just can't get a break, can we? We just keep... dropping.

Eileen never did give me this book. I found it while cleaning out her room.

I miss her so much. She was one of the only people that I truly loved and loved me back.

This book has me in tears, not only because of the memories, but also because I'll never get to laugh and reminisce about them with my dad and sister.

Her kids have fallen into depression. Just less than a year ago, their grandfather died. And less than a month ago, their mother did.

Trevor is slowly losing it, I sense drug abuse. Aislyn, Auriella, and Carter live with Alex and me now. I almost can't look in the mirror anymore, I have her eyes, her hair.

She didn't want to do another tour. But apparently, her contract said that she had to. And of all of the things that could have happened on her way to London, her plane crashed and burned up.

If I didn't have kids and siblings to be strong for, I might be dead myself.

Dear Eileen,

I'm leaving this with you in your casket so nobody reads it. Don't ever think that you weren't loved, because you were and still are. Eileen? I miss you so much. You were my everything, my best friend, my day maker, the only person that listened to me. I love you so much.

I'll be sure to take care of your babies, Aislyn, Auriella, and Carter for you, and to keep an eye out for our kid siblings Prince, Paris, and Blanket that you loved so deeply.

You always talked about going to Daddy. I hope you two are having a great time together in Neverland with Peter Pan, Tinkerbell and the Lost Boys. You both loved them so much. I know you are both there nested upon your golden thrones, hopefully smiling. Oh, your smiles. You and Daddy had the best, purest smiles. The kind of smile that could make you question your existence.

I'm not going to lie and say that everything is alright, because it isn't. Prince isn't coping well, you were always really close to him. Neither are Paris, Blanket, Alex, Auriella, Aislyn, Carter, and Trevor. I fear for Trevor. I think he began to scare the children with his beer bottles. I can't blame him for wanting to drink away his sorrows, though.

It's time for your memorial now, so I have to stop writing. I'll see you one day soon. I'll miss you and I'll always love you. And when you see Daddy, give him a hug and kiss for me, tell him I love him and I miss him.

I close this letter with tears running down my face. Your little sister,

Stevanna (Stevie)

A/n Thanks for all of the reads and votes and comments! I am eternally grateful for the amount of feedback and love I got from this book :) Thank you all so much, and I hope you enjoyed it

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