Chapter Four

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I wanted to shield the girls forever, but now, I realize I can't do that. Eileen is fifteen now, and all she wants to do is sing and meet fans, and go to my concerts.

I have an interview with Oprah Winfrey today, and Eileen wants to be in it. As her childhood is ending and she is going into show business, she might as well.

Most of the beginning of the interview was us talking about the rumors and correcting them.

"Now, a question that the rest of the world has wanted answers for for the past few years. Who are the little girls you always have with you, and why do they wear butterfly masks?"

"A few years ago, I adopted them. The older one is named Eileen, and she's fifteen. The younger one is Stevanna, but we call her Stevie and she is ten. They wear masks so when they go out in public without me, with the nannies, they can be normal and have a normal life. Eileen isn't going to wear a mask anymore, she wants to be a singer so it would be useless."

"That's awesome! Now, for the first time ever on TV, Eileen Jackson."

Eileen walked out, her auburn hair in a ponytail and her green eyes glistening.

"Hi!" I stood up to let her sit down.

"Hello sweetheart, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you." She was visibly trembling, so I held her hand.

"So, how is life with Michael Jackson as a father?"

"I love my Dad and my life. Sometimes, it's a little bit hard because you want to do things like you see other kids do on TV, but for me it isn't that much of a toll. Like, it isn't that different. Tour is like he's going away on business trips, kinda like a normal parent would."

"What's the best part of being Michael Jackson's daughter?"

"I don't know, I love it all."

"What's your favorite song by him?"

"When Stevie and I were little, we listened to a lot of his music, like at the orphanage. And my favorite then was I Can't Help It, but now I think it's Give In To Me, it has a nice rockish sound."

"What's the best thing he's ever given to you?"

"Hmm,  it isn't materialistic... I think just adopting Stevie and me, and keeping us, and loving us. We had been adopted three times before, but the parents would always send us back. I guess we were just waiting for the right parent, Daddy."

"Well, thank you so much for coming on my show. You're beautiful, and I wish you all the luck with your career."

"Thank you for having me." Eileen smiled and turned to me. "See you Daddy."

"See you later honey."

"Now, Mr. Jackson, I hope you didn't think I was leaving without a tour of Neverland."

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