Chapter Five

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a/n ayee. I posted this yesterday I think, and it already has 79 reads, 10 votes, and 5 comments. Yowza. I love you all so much!


Today we invited Paris into the world.

A lot has happened in the last few years. My girls have grown, Eileen started singing, Stevie started modeling, and last year, my first son, Prince, was born.

I wanted to get Paris and Debbie home as soon as possible. Becoming a father for a third time is so exciting.

Eileen is at the house now watching Prince with Stevie.

Paris is so beautiful. She has bright blue eyes just like Debbie. It's almost unfortunate that after the divorce, they'll barely get to see each other.

The only thing that saddens me about this day is the fact that Stevie and I haven't been as close lately. She's drifting away. It's not because she doesn't like Prince, because she loves him. I don't know what it is though...

She used to be such a Daddy's girl, but now it seems like we barely talk like we did when she was younger.

"I'm sorry Mr. Jackson, the lovely ladies here are going to have to stay the night. I suggest you go home to your other children."

"But it's only 5:00?"

"We're low on staff right now, you need to go home."

I sighed and kissed Paris goodbye. Fortunately, it's only until tomorrow morning when they open at 7:00 am.


"I'm home!" I called when I walked into the house. Eileen was sitting on the couch watching Rocko's Modern Life with Prince on her lap.

"Hi Daddy, how is the baby? How does she look? Oh, I bet she's absolutely beautiful. When can we see her?" Eileen stood up and put Prince on her hip, kissing my cheek.

"Oh, she is beautiful. She has vibrant blue eyes and- and she's just beautiful!" I kissed Prince. "Where's Stevie?"

"She is in her room."

"What's she doing up there all by herself?"

"Thinking, I suppose. Or better yet, she's been working on some music lately, it sounds great. Maybe, she can feature on Infinitely, Eileen with me..."

"Uh-uh. Stevie is too young to be working on your album with you."

"Dad, she's 16. What were you- 5? It wouldn't kill her."

"Don't put me in this, that was different. The world was a different place."

"Whatever you say, Father." Eileen said, rolling her eyes at me and sitting down, Prince on her lap.

"Who would've thought 21 year old girls were so mean to their dear fathers..." I said, sticking my tongue out and running up the stairs to Stevie's room.

"Here I am, signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours." She sang.

I knocked the door, making her silent. "Who is it?"

"Your Dad."

She sighed. "Oh. How may I help you?"

"I just wanted to talk a little bit, like we used to."

"What is there to talk about?" She swung the door open.

"I don't know, maybe your attitude..."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It just means... that you've changed."

"Oh, so I'M the one who changed? Okay, well then."

"Are you insisting that I have changed lately?"

"No shit, Sherlock..." She muttered.

"Stevanna Janet Jackson! You may be mad at me, but do not use that language around me. Where did you hear that anyway?"

"Well?" I said when she didn't answer.

"I heard it from where I heard it, don't act like your mouth is squeaky clean either. I've heard you cussing like a freaking trucker!"

"Stevanna! Stop it, now! You're on punishment!"

"Gladly accepted, because everything is my fault, right? Okay, cool."

"Give me your phone. You're not going anywhere, not with your cousins, not with your sister, not with me, not with anyone until you tell me what makes you so angry."

"You might as well keep my phone then. I mean, if you haven't figured it out yet, I doubt you ever will." She said, handing me her phone and closing her bedroom door.

"What happened to her?" I asked Eileen when I got down the stairs.

"Adolescents. Teenage years. Being a girl. Other things. Maybe she's on her period, I'm not sure about that, I'll ask she might be."

"What do you mean by 'teenage years'? You were never like that?" I ran my hand through my hair as Eileen kissed a sleeping Prince.

"Because my situation was different. I'm a lot quieter than her, and I was just grateful for everything. Stevie, on the other hand, has grown so attached to you, she gets hurt easily."

"So I'm the cause for this?"

"I never said that. Well maybe you are, but still."

"What did I do?"

"I don't know, read her diary."

I just might have to...

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