Chapter Ten

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a/n I currently have 370 reads! Love you all!!!

June 2000

A lot has happened in the past year. Stevie moved in with Eileen, which broke my heart. I guess I've just gotten so used to her being here, I never thought she'd want to leave. But it was for the better, she was looking into modeling and acting so she needed to get into the real world.

Although I still have Prince and Paris here, I still get lonely. They're still just little, three and four.

"Dad, you need to start dating again." Eileen suggested at dinner. Every week, we try to have dinner together, usually on Sunday evening.

"Dating?!" I also choked on my corn.

"Yes, dating. Dad, you haven't dated since Lisa Marie. Debbie doesn't count." Stevie added.

"I don't need to."

"Yes you do! You're not getting any younger. Might as well settle down." She shrugged.

"Hurtful!" I fake gasped.

" Dad, someday soon, we're gonna get married and won't be able to come over as often." Eileen said.

"No, don't say that! That's an awful thought!"

"Dad... speaking of which. I've been with my boyfriend for about a year now... I think it's time you meet him?"

"Your boyfriend! You're too young for a boyfriend!"

"Daddy, I'm twenty two."

"Wait another twenty two years, we'll see."

"Dad! He isn't a bad guy. He's really sweet to me, and he treats me like a real man should. Ask Stevie, she's met him many times!"

"Stevie! You're in on her schemes?"

She laughed. "Dad, help. They can't keep off of each other. Hugging, kissing, other things."

"Other things like what?!"

"Like watching movies... and playing... twister... if you're catching my drift." Stevie winked at me.

"Stevie!" Eileen blushed and swatted her sister's shoulder.

"You mean to tell me you've had sex?" I yelled.

"Dad, there are kids in the room." Eileen said with her head down.

"You've been playing Twister, haven't you?" I raised my eyebrow at her and she shrugged.

"Daddy, me and Paris play Twister too!" Prince yelled, Eileen and Stevie laughing.

"Good. Because that's the only Twister you'll be playing for the next three decades."

"Why don't we stop talking about me and talk about Stevie's boyfriend?" Eileen said, changing the subject.

"Boyfriend! Stevie is too young to have a boyfriend!"

"Daddy, I'm nineteen."

"So? That's still a baby to me."

"She's been dating Ty for the last year and a half, let's talk about her."

"This Ty person again?! That's it, I have to meet both of these boys tomorrow for some dinner."

"Okay, Dad."

This is going to be an interesting dinner..


I told the girls to be here by 5:30, and it is currently 4:45.  Might as well make this a memorable night.

I dressed Prince and Paris and did their hair.

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