Chapter 4- Lucky in Red

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Lucky's was extravagant. Soft jazz played in the background as the few slot machines chinked away in the corner. I went to the bar first and introduced my self as Sophie. Right away I had guys start to order me martinis. Not my preferred drink, but tonight I was Sophie, and Sophie loved martinis, daiquiris, and margaritas. I had two drinks, free of course, before I played some black jack. I was at the slot machines while I watched Jim and Sean go into the V.I.P. room. I stood back up going over to the bar where another guy bought me a strawberry daiquiris. I thanked him and flirted him for a minute before moving on to watch some games of roulette. After 3 more drinks and blowing on several pairs of dice, it was time for me to go into the V.I.P. room.

In the room things were going fine, Jim's pile was getting slightly smaller, not enough to worry me, but enough to make our target feel at ease as well as lucky. Lucky and ease means relaxed and not worrying about his place being robbed. I smiled and turned it into a sexy smirk. I slinked toward our Mr. Luciall and slid onto his lap. He smiled down at me and wrapped his arm around me. I looked around and smiled at the table before pretending the waitress (with a plate full of drinks) had caught my eye. I waved her over for another drink. I looked back at the men at the table and made sure my voice slurred just a little as I flirted with all of them making sure I made a couple to Jim so it didn't look suspicious. Everything was going smoothly and just as planned. Sean was already walking back towards the teller with the drink.

I started to look at the guy next to me who had just won. I was swaying a little in Mr. Luciall's arms. I looked at the guy with a I am drunk, confused, and starting to get angry. Out of the corner of my eye the teller finished her drink right as my Mr. Cheater won the next hand. "Heeeeyyyy, nnnnoooo cchheeatting. This is a nnnoooo cchhheattterrrs zssssoonnne. Wwhhhyyyiii *hiccup* wwooulld yoooouuu cheat?" I leaned towards the table at a 45 degree angle making sure all of the guys looked down my shirt, Sean and Jim looked for a second before continuing on as planned. Our target played his part right on cue, standing up so quickly I landed on the floor right as the teller passed out my fall and Mr. Luciall's yelling covering the little sound Sean created. After he finished, Jim waved him over and Sean started putting Jim's winnings into the bag as well. "Your a-aa cheeeaat toooo! Yoouuurr allll ccchhheaters!"

Jim stood and announced in an angry voice, "I refuse to play with cheats and I refuse to be accused as one by some drunk bitch. I'm done for the night it seems." He nodded towards Jim and they walked out. Now all was for me to finish and leave.

I stood up from the floor and looked around confused, then gave my audience a panicked look as I made the two steps to a plotted planted and puked. After I was finished I wiped my mouth on the back of my hand with all the guys just standing there in shock. "I-I-I think *hiccup* I shhoouuldd goooo hoomme noooww." I tried to do a drunk woman's attempt at a sexy smirk, "Nigghtt booyyes."

I staggered out of the room, feeling a little tipsy and good from the hist. I continued across the room as behind me yelling started up and I got a bad feeling in my stomach. It was to early I was not even in the car or close to it, shit! I couldn't just lose my "drunkenness" or run for it. I heard the sirens coming and was worried. I finally got out of the Casino and all I had to do was turn the corner and get in the- SHIT! THOSE MOTHER FUCKERS!! I watched as the limo turned out of the lot. They left me. They mother fucking left me. I started to see the flashing lights coming from the opposite way the limo had left. Shit- I quickly skidded around the corner and started running down the alleys trying to get as far away as possible and remember which alley paths were dead ends. I heard shouts coming from a couple alleys behind me. I tried to forget about the fact my gang -my family, my guild- had left me.

I kept running and finally realized I no longer knew these streets as well, which meant that I was not on the Poison's territory. Great. I skidded around another corner and faced a motorcyler. He nodded toward me before shouting, "Are you waiting for the pigs to catch you or are you going to hop on?!" I rushed onto the back of his bike.

Her dress rode up as she got on the back of my bike. I don't know why I told her to get on or why I was saving her sexy ass. As soon as I heard the pigs coming down the alleys I shoved my helmet on my head, hopped onto my bike, and I started it up as soon as I saw her in that dress and- I don't know- my groin over powered my brain. She wasn't family, or part of my gang. The opposite in fact, she was my enemy. She had robbed me. I was driving down the allies taking a long route home to my apartment as she clung to me. Her upper thighs and crotch was pressing against my lower back and boobs on my upper back. I tried not thinking about that short, very revealing dress. My groin twitched again.

I pulled up to my shitty apartment complex and tapped her bare leg twice signaling she could hop off. I shut off the bike before climbing off myself. I turned around to see her mumbling and pacing in her stilettos. I pulled off my helmet while watching her, "what are you mumbling wolf? Better question, why the hell were the pigs chasing you down allies in Los Lobos territory?!"

Her head snapped to me as her jaw opened a little, the most surprised expression on her face, it took her a moment to respond in an even deeper Irish accent than I ever heard before. "Better yet, why did you help me? "

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