chapter 2- Names and threats

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“What Happened?” Johnson, good question.

“Sorry t'have worried you two. Just that sound, it brought on a panic attack. Bad memories don't like to stay buried.”


It took me a moment to figure out he meant am I okay. “Yeah I'm alright. How did we get back t'the house?”

“Carried. Sleep, Spider will be back soon.”

“Where did he go?” I sat up looking around like he would be right there.

“He'll be back. Slow down, I said he'll be back shortly. Need anything?”

“No, fine, thanks. How long?” Darn I was picking up his shortened speech.

“Soon. Now you should rest.” He paused heading toward the door, “You sure you are alright? You started screaming as soon as the glass broke.”

“Just a really bad memory it must have caused me t'have a panic attack, which wasn’t too hard with all the alcohol.” I looked at his worried face. “I’m just wondering, but is Johnson your real name?”

“My last name, but yes, Erik Johnson.”

“It suits ya, Bridget Bucklin.” He nodded, but wore a smile I rarely saw on him. “Can ya stay awhile ‘till Spides gets back?” he didn’t say anything for awhile just came and sat by me.

“You know you don’t deserve this life.”

“Who does?”

I was back at head quarters now, angry and in pain. “Ahhh! That rotten Irish bitch!” Now I really needed a drink, but that didn't mean I was getting one tonight. “Oww! That hurts you know.” They were cleaning off the wounds she, and the glass, left. Even though she didn't get hurt she screamed in agony and went unconscious, and trying to figure out why, was driving me crazy.

“Explain.” that was the boss.

“Was mad at myself for the small haul. Went looking for a fight, found one, she beat the shit out of me. She went unconscious though.”

“?La senorita?”

“I went after her friend and she hit me before I reached him. I think they called her Wolf. It was the Poison.

“Wolf? I heard of her, she's their best thief, and a better gambler. Loves her alcohol, always gives four reasons, and if she robs you, she kisses you. Some say it's her form of compensation, others say she just wants practice kissing, and the rest say it's a distraction technique so she can get away.”

That explains the kiss, “So she only steals from guys?”

“That's the best part, no, she'll kiss girls too. If someone is watching she'll get even dirtier.” He sighed, “Never heard of her fighting though, must have really provoked her, who did you try to hit?”

“Uhh.... I think she called him Johnson, but I did call her and her brother ugly before that. For a while she was really drunk and trying to stop the fighting.”

“Johnson?! You tried to hit their boss? No wonder she got mad. Also here's a tip, never call a girl ugly.”

Another of the crew looked at him, “So please explain how you got your ass kicked by a drunk girl?

“She's strong, she threw me through glass.” I answered.

“And this? Doesn't look like a glass cut.” The Doc, as we called him, pointed to a small, circular wound just to the left of the middle of my chest.

I looked at it then remembered her kick, “I'm guessing she was wearing heels where she kicked me.”

“Ouch, as the doctor I'll say this. For your own health, stay away from her and if you can't do that, don't piss her off again.”

“Trust me, I hope to never see her again.”

“Yeah, well ya better hope that ya don't even hear the name Wolf again. Stay the hell away from my sister, and stay off of the Poison's property. Because if I ever hear her howl like that again because of ya, it will be the last thing ya ever hear. Next time ya go looking for a fight learn who your opponent is first. Don't make me come back-” somehow Wolf's brother walked in without any of us noticing and when some of the boys figured out he was Poison they grabbed him by the shirt front.

“How about you get off the Los Lobo's property, or we'll make you. And you learn a few things about your opponents. Now get out.” He gave a smug smile as he grabbed the guys hand and twisted it until he let go. He looked one last time at me then he left.

We had been staring into the old fireplace while we sat. I turned my head and smiled as my brother finally walked back through the door. “Spides! Ya're back, where have ya been?” Johnson was still sitting next to me, silent as ever.

“Just needed to have a word with someone. Glad your okay, Wolf. Thanks, Johnson for looking after her. Ya have always been good t'us.” Johnson got up and walked over to Spider. He put his hand on his shoulder and I could just barely recognize him whispering something to Spider. When he was done, he looked back at me and nodded before heading up the stairs to his part of the house. Spider smiled down on me, “get some rest ya have work tomorrow. The big heist starts tomorrow remember? It's dangerous and we can't have ya tired. Go to bed, nightmares begone.” he tapped my head once and just like the nightmares, he was gone.

-GD_Twix Sorry I haven't updated this story in awhile. don't worry I have big things planned for this story and I am not giving up on it!-

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