chapter 1 [wolf 2, armadillo 0]

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Her Irish accent was dangerous as it shouted, "Give me the fucking money now before I pull the trigger and take it myself!" I had a sneaking feeling she would too. With the gun held to my head I pulled out my wallet. I couldn't believe I was handing my money over to a girl. How did that rotten bitch trick me? I couldn't remember. I was not telling the boys this. She took the money and looked back up at me with a sneer on her face, what now? She leaned in close, what final threatening words did she want to say? She kept getting closer until she kissed me hard and lingering then when I was about to give in, forgetting what was going on she turned around and jogged away turning a corner and disappearing. What the fuck? I picked up my knife and gun she had disarmed.  

She was from my rival's gang, Poison. I could tell from the tattoo on the collar bone. Her gang's tattoo was of a scull and crossbones with the bio-hazard symbol in the eye sockets. The robbery was strange enough. She was good and there weren't many people who could jump me. I didn't even remember how she did it. Then there was that kiss, what the fuck was up with that? But no matter what I did the main question that kept running threw my head was, who was she? 

I had to go back out to work to get back some of what I lost so the boys of my gang, Los Lobos, wouldn't know about the robbery. I would get back my money from her someday, but for now I just needed some to replace it.

The dingy 2 story house stood in front of me, located on the Southwest side of town. I had lived here for awhile now, and it was starting to feel like home. I used my key and walked inside feeling safe. "What you earn today Wolfie?" that was Spider my best friend and my brother. He always felt bad for drawing me into this life, even if that was okay with me. But he looked out for me and we needed the cash to survive, since we didn't have parents to help, all we had was each other and the Poison.  

"Good today, Spides. Played a little trick on a Lobo, mugged him y'see. He looked so sad when he figured out what was going on." I said this even though I had a smile on my face.  

There was always things I couldn't say that I wanted to, I was always afraid, always in pain, always on the verge of tears, always cold on the outside and in my heart. It was a hard life but I didn't think I could stand an easy one.  

"Ya used your favorite get away trick on him didn't ya? No wait, I know the answer to that. Come sit by me Wolf, while we wait for Johnson to come back." He left his arm open so I could crawl beneath it, he always thought if he could put his arm around me everything was alright and I was safe. It not always was so, but I never told him. I had to be strong.  

"Much?" Johnson wasn't bad but I never liked him, couldn't figure out why. I thought it was funny though how he always forgot the pointless words in a sentence like the subject, articles, prepositions, and usually the verbs, basically most of the sentence.  

"I had a lucky star night," We called anything over 2.5 grand a lucky star night. "One for the tables, rest for thievery." I got a nod as he held out his hand for the cash. I handed all of it over obediently and he handed two hundred back with a smile.  

"I was on watch tonight." Spides replied.  

"Trouble?" a head shake, "Night then."  

"Night, Johnson." another nod as he walked. "Wonder why he gives me the chill." 

"As in the cold shoulder he gives you? Or as in the creeps?" 

"Now, that ya mention it, both." 

"No idea. Maybe he's gay?" 

"No that's not it. He's hidin' something." 

"Maybe, ya usually have an eye for that. Don't go sniffing though." 

"Wasn't going t'. Just makes me wonder, ya know. He's not bad though, well ya know what I mean." 

"Yeah I do, but please don't tell me you have a crush on him." 

"Not my type, one he's blond, two tall, three he has money, and four he has secrets." 

"No five? Well at least that Irish brain of yours still has sense. Speaking of Irish want t'go out and experience a little of our heritage?" 

"You mean drink whiskey and beer and sing old Irish drinking songs? Sure where do ya have in mind?" 

"Ya'll see. Might be a little dangerous though so carry and re-dress."  

"Got ya' see you out in five." I turned and left towards my room five feet and I was jogging.

I walked into Los Lobos' hang out, which was a dingy mechanic shop with a few couches near back. I saw the bosses right hand man. "I had a bad run tonight, I'll get more tomorrow." I had a run of bad luck after I met the Poison bitch. Now I needed a drink, and had the perfect bar in mind. They let me go for tonight and as I was walking in to the bar I saw a redhead couple sitting, the girl singing, probably drunk or on their way.  

"Come on brother sing wit' me!" Guess I was wrong, Irish siblings; they looked too young to be drinking but yet, so was I. The boy looked like he was trying to drink away some troubles, but it looked like the girl already had. She got up as I walked over to a stool two steps past her. "Fine ya sour put! Anyone want t'dance wit' me?!" she yelled turning towards me. She saw me and said, "How 'bout you my boy? Ya wouldn't make me dance wit' myself would ye'?"  

It was her, the girl who robbed me earlier; she was so drunk she didn't even realize it was me. "No thank you."  

"Come on sis' leave the men alone; ya have had too much fun tonight wit' them." He turned to see me, his eyes grew when they spotted me, and he wasn't as drunk as his sister it seemed. "Get out of this bar and take your stinking eyes off my sis'."  

"Maybe I like this bar, and don't worry about your sis' I wouldn't touch her." 

"You tryin' t'say somethin'?" 

"Come on brother this is too good a night, to be gettin' in a fight." 

"I don't want t'fight, sis'." 

"Come on let's leave each other alone now, then. For me? I think we need another whiskey, huh?" 

"Sure sis' another whiskey and I'll sing a song with ya'." 

"Yeah! Two whiskeys this way on the double!"  

"So is it true?" 

"What? About the Irish lovin' their beer?" 

"No, that beer has been helping ugly people have sex since 1862?" 

"You bastard! Let me at him Wolf! I'm going t'kill him for talkin' t'ya like that!"  

"No you won't," came a voice just walking in, a tall blond guy. "He is just a low life Hispanic ass."  

"Thanks for the backup Johnson. Add three bourbons t'the whiskey shots!" she yelled.  

"Wolf." a nod her way before turning to me, "Haven't even had a drink yet and already insulting ladies. Either gay or stupid, which is it?" Laughter rang out threw the bar.  

I ran at him but she got in the way and punched me in the gut. "Ya want a fight boy o'? I'll give you one no worries. Ya know why I will give you a fight, one you called my brother here ugly, two you called me ugly, three you made me sober up, t'remember the fourth which is that it was fun kicking your ass earlier this evening," and before I could even respond she kicked me hard to the chest making me fly across the room.  

"You surprised me the first time!" 

"Did I surprise ya this time too? Fine I will give ya fair warnin' 'cause I'm nice when I am drunk. I am about to make ya fly through the glass right there." She grabbed my shirt collar and dragged me building up enough momentum t'make me fly. Next thing I knew there was a crash and two people were screaming in agony. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!

As I watched him fly thew the window, the crashing sound of the glass brought back my nightmares and my painful memories. I fell to the ground screaming clenching my head. "Help! Somebody goddamn help her!" I heard from far away, Johnson and my brother. A groan from farther away, then I was out.

Poison to Los LobosOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz