Chapter 5- Loyalties

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I didn't know how to answer her so I stared her down, "Don't make me ask again, Wolf."  

"It was... it was... I don't... they left me; they abandoned me. My gang, we were running an op, a big heist. The mark caught on to quick. I was just getting my ass out and... they left. Took off with the cash, the ride, and... left me."  

I stood there looking at her. The gangs around here could be cunning, cold, and ruthless to outsiders. To each other though, they were a family, a brotherhood. To think they would leave a loyal member behind to be arrested or worse, it was unthinkable. Yet, they had done just that.  

We stood there for a couple minutes, her in shock I think. "I need to leave," she eventually spit out before promptly turning on her heel.  

"Where does one, who's gang abandons her, go?" I wasn't sure why I asked. 

"That's what I need to figure out. Why? Are you concerned?"  

We just watched each other waiting for the other's next move. I turned shooting a look over my shoulder, "Come on."

I don't know why I followed him. Maybe I was in shock. Maybe I was just going on autopilot. Maybe I just wanted to see what he would do. Maybe I wanted to see how other gang's members lived. I didn't have to many options. I didn't know where I was, how to get home, if I still wanted or had that place as my home. He pulled a key from his pocket, when we stopped at a door on the second story of a slightly run down apartment building. Walking in it looked like a normal apartment. We walked in through the kitchen and into the living room. To the left was only one door, my guess, the bed and bath room. I went to sit on the couch. I looked out the sliding balcony door. The inside looked better than the outside. The space was clean and empty of clutter.  

He didn't say anything as he walked into the other room. One moment of sitting and I couldn't any longer. Next moment I was peaking in his fridge and cupboards. Not minutes later I was cutting up potatoes I had found starting to go bad, grilling beef and had flour and had the dough for the pie crust in the fridge. Hearing all the noise he came out of the other room. "What on Earth are you doing?!" 

"Cooking. What does it look like?" I replied back in a bored tone.  

"Elle es loco, muy muy loco." He mumbled to himself, "Well when you are done you can sleep on the couch. 'Noches loca." He moved back into the other room only coming back once to set a blanket on the couch. It was 4am by the time I finished making my Shepard's pie. I then started on cleaning up my mess, since I was still restless. Once the whole Kitchen was clean I tried laying down on the couch, my mind instantly taking over thinking of what I should be doing, what I need to do, what I can do, who I could trust and so forth. After the questions swirled around in my head only making me dizzy. I stood back up looking under the kitchen sink for cleaning supplies. By 10am not only was the Kitchen and living room fully cleaned I had also made coffee and breakfast.  

"Buenos Dias Loca," He grumbled as he sat down and started eating from one of the two plates I made.  

"Stop speaking spanish asshole, no one wants to learn it." I snapped back as I continued chowing down myself.  

"You might want to be nice to the asshole who let you stay at his apartment and kept you out of jail when your gang didn't even want to help your ass."  

I shut up at that. I still didn't know what to do other than call Spider. "Can I use your phone?" He looked at me with questions written all over his face, but handed it over none the less.  

I dialed my brother's number with out skipping a beat. I held my breathe as I waited. "Who the hell is this?" 

"Hey Spider, I don't know if you talked to the crew yet, but yesterday, it didn't end well. I don't know what else to do. Spider, they left me." 

"Wolf, I've been out looking for you. Where are you? I'll come get you, it'll be okay." 

"Spider... I don't know, Spider, I can't tell you where I am. I don't know if I can go home. I don't know if I can be loyal to people who left me for the pigs to scoop up." 

I heard shuffling in the back ground and barely could hear Spider and Johnson talking, before he came on, "Wolf, tell me where you are, it's okay. They are being punished. They shouldn't have done that. Let us come get you." There was a pause while I contimplated my options.  

"How can I say that place is still my home, that those people are still my family?" I tilted my head down to hide my tears from Armadilo. "I can't Johnson." 

"Where else do you have to go?" 

I drew in a breathe. "I guess you can say for now, I've gone rouge." I hung up the phone before he could say anything else. I felt a hand on my cheek as tears still fell. He didn't have pity on his face, nor the usual hate towards for me he had the prievious day, back when I was still in his enemy gang. I realized his hand was still caressing my cheek and jerked away. I stood up starting for the bathroom to collect myself. I looked in the mirror and saw a sight I hadn't seen in a while. Where there was usually a strong gangster girl, one who struck fear in many, instead was one that was broken and afraid.

I stared at where Wolf had sat while talking to her brother and gang leader. I looked down at my hand, why had I done that? I think I have gone loco as well. Rouge. Can a gangster not have a gang and still survive. Would she leave the area? Maybe give up this life? People had tried before, but from what I could tell she had enjoyed this life. When she had looked up at me though, she had looked so broken. It didn't look right on her. She was strong, dependent, sexy. Wait, what the hell? Where did that come from? I can't think like that, even if she was one hell of a kisser, she was the enemy, from Poison- but now she wasn't. She was a rouge now, free game. I smiled, before shaking it off while I wondered what on Earth was she going to do?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2013 ⏰

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