epilogue ⋆

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"hey, can you hear me okay?"

"yeah...it's nice to hear your voice" a content sigh was heard from down the phone.

"so...how's new york?" "pretty good, just wish you were here though. how's london?"

"fun except for the part where i can't speak english,"


"did you just say lmao out loud?"


jimin laughed at his boyfriend, looking at the time and seeing that he already had to leave. he'd just literally got free time to phone him and now he had to leave again. it was a wonder they lasted so long with their busy schedules and separate lives. jimin knew that love was strong.

"you need to go, don't you?"

the solemn voice of yoongi brought him back. he rubbed his fresh tattoo, the tiny symbol of a moon engraved onto his finger.

"i'm sorry, baby...i wish i could talk more."

"it's alright. i should go back soon anyway. say hi to tae for me,"

"will do. just think, in just five days, we'll have a pretty island all to ourselves. oh how i wonder what we could do with all that free time when we're all alone"

he dragged out the words, emphasising them.

"idiot. don't worry, guaranteed i'll have you screaming all night long sweetheart"

jimin gasped dramatically once again.

"you bet, daddy"

"stop. just stop. and don't be so dirty minded, babe. i just meant that i'd tickle you"

the two smiled through the phone, the sadness of not having the other with them becoming slightly more bearable. for the time being.

"sure, sure."

"okay then...speak later or whenever we're both free?"


"love you,"

"love you too."

months after being torn apart by managements and work life, things got a little better. the fourth anniversary of their relationship arrived, both of them dropping everything else to travel back home to their apartment in korea. yoongi had missed him, and he had missed yoongi, a lot.

by their fifth anniversary, yoongi decided that he wanted to propose to jimin. nothing else made him happy the way this boy did. and the more he thought about it, the more he knew he would never choose anyone else to spend the rest of his life with.

the two had become each other's other half. he was already twenty five, that was a good age to settle down if he was ready, which he was.

on jimin's birthday that year, the now blonde haired man had blurted out the words 'marry me' in the most unromantic way possible. he didn't mean it, and he had such a good idea for a proposal that would be special but the fond had just became blinding, and he forgot about everything else except from jimin.

it turned out alright, as jimin said he wouldn't have had it any other way. he told yoongi that knew he never was a romantic, so the way yoongi did it was how he would have preferred. just yoongi, plain and simple yoongi. no fancy rings or materialistic shit that he would have to keep forever, even if yoongi promised him he would eventually buy him a ring which he was secretly happy about.

and when autumn rolled around once again for the seventh time since they'd known each other, a family was developing. two pairs of teeny feet padding across the living room, girly screams and laughing was heard at all hours of the night and day. adopting their twins was the best thing they'd ever done.

"yerim! don't hit your brother"

"but daddy he stole my melody"

"n-no daddy, she stole effie first!"

yoongi crouched down to their height as they sat cross legged on the floor, their knees jerking away in a huff everytime they'd accidentally touch.

"do i need to get appa down here? he won't be happy. you'll interrupt his chat with uncle taemin"

the two shook their heads furiously.

"well you guys know what to do, hmm? what have i told you two about fighting?"

"it's bad because we- we love each other and we shouldn't hurt each other"

"thank you. now give return your toys and give lots of hugs to say sorry."

the twins did as told, their small chubby hands holding the back of the other tightly as jungwoo started to cry.

"wooie what's wrong?"

"wooie is sorry"

"it's okay bubba."

yoongi smiled as he switched channels on the tv. he could already tell she was the protective one out of the two. he found it funny how she was a minute older, yet used every bit of glory she could find in saying she was the oldest twin.

"everything okay my lovelies?"

"yes, appa."

jimin kissed both of their cheeks before heading over to yoongi's side and linking their hands together. taemin played with the children for five minutes before having to leave, to which the children wrapped their bodies around each of his legs and screamed until he stayed an extra ten minutes.

the two fathers grinned, yoongi's head on jimin's shoulder as he thought about how lucky he had gotten.

 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘺 𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘦𝘳 | ym ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon