The Victims Friend Rage

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Narrtor Pov

Never felt this cold and lonely in the house. It was never this was never so....questionable colorless. The others never been so quiet, the house is just filled with depression and anyone who walks in the house will feel depressed.

They always visit the place where they found the eldest dead and his graveyard, but they suddenly stopped going to his grave because one of them said that the butterflys that killed the eldest was swarming around his grave almost every single day. Yoonig got sick of the killer insects swarming around the eldest grave like its their dinner.

"Yoonig where are you going?!" Namjoon asked slightly nervous.

"I'M GOING TO KILL THOSE FUCKER'S FLYING AROUND JIN'S GRAVE!!" With that said he walks out slamming the door shut.

The others looked at each other is worry cause if they can kill a human then they can kill an fallen angle and an angle. They can kill anyone. With out thinking the others ran after Yoonig who was nowhere to be seen.

"Namjoon I think he flew over there!" Jimin said slightly worried cause the butterflys will attack without hesitation.

"Jin is the one that can talk him out of thinks like this.." Hoseok brought up sounding sad.

"Maybe you can do it." Namjoon looked at Hoseok causing him to shot up in shock.

"What!?! Me? N-Namjoon.....n-no.."

"Hoseok you can do it to! I know you can barley get through Yoonig at times but.....please Hoseok.." Namjoon begged him with sad eyes.

With an sigh Hoseok brought out his colorful wing for his back and then flew towards the graveyard, leaving the others behind hoping that Hoseok can get through Yoonig's rage.

(Tell me if theirs any mistakes or errors please........plz-_-)

\\Death By Butterflys// BtsxJinWhere stories live. Discover now