9 - An Answer

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Ant could sense how nervous and restless Dec was all evening and he knew it was his task to be there for him now.

"Calm down" he smiled when Dec started pacing the room again.

"Calm down?" Dec shrieked and glared at Ant. "Well, that's easy for you to say!"

"Hey, that's not fair and you know it" Ant said calmly. "Come here" he added lovingly and reached out his hand.

Dec came over and let himself being taken in Ant's arms and he sighed loudly.

"I'm sorry" Dec mumbled and kissed his boyfriend's cheek.

"It's alright" Ant said and stroked Dec's head lovingly. "How about you and I take a nice bath together? It got you quite relaxed last time."

Dec only shrugged his shoulders and sighed loudly.

"Listen, Dec" Ant said and grabbed his boyfriend by his shoulders to make him look at him. "Whatever the outcome may be, it doesn't change anything between you and me, okay? I love you and we'll get through this, okay?"

For the first time that evening, Dec smiled and gently kissed his boyfriend. "Thank you" he said and grabbed Ant's hand. "A bath would be nice."

"Good" Ant grinned and he was glad that he had been able to calm Dec down a bit. And it really seemed to work as Dec visibly relaxed once he was in the bath with him.

They went to bed soon afterwards and surprisingly for Ant, Dec was asleep after only a few minutes. He had prepared himself for quite some whining and complaining that Dec couldn't sleep, the full programme. But Dec never failed to surprise him and he was glad that he was quite calm now.

Ant himself was a bit nervous about the results, of course he was. But he would have never admitted it to Dec, he knew it was the last thing his boyfriend needed. Of course Ant hoped that the results would come back positive and that Dec indeed was suffering from testosterone deficiency. Ant didn't know what they would do if that wasn't the case.

He forced himself to not think about that and when he looked down at his boyfriend sleeping peacefully on his chest, he smiled. He knew they could get through everything together, even if it would be bad news the next day.

With that thought in mind he could finally drift off, completely emotionally exhausted from all that had been happening over the day.

Dec sat in front of the phone and stared at the display. He had typed the number in for about 15 times now but didn't have the courage to press the call button yet.

The lady had told him to wait until 11am for the results to come in. And that was why he was in the break room at work at the moment and in a way he was glad about that, because it was quiet. Ant had offered to call the doctor for him but he had refused, he needed to do this himself.

So he took another deep breath and finally hit the call button. The same lady answered the phone and Dec asked for the results with a rather shaky voice.

"Yes, the results are in, let me just put you through to Dr Winston, okay? He will discuss the further treatment with you" she said and then Dec heard some very cheap telephone music.

Before he could even think about the words she had picked, he heard the doctor's voice down the phone.

"Mr. Donnelly" he greeted friendly and didn't even wait for an answer, but carried on. "So, as I had thought, your testosterone level is way too low. If you want to you can come over again this afternoon and we can see what kind of therapy fits you best. There is cream you can use, plasters, and also shots. But I would like to discuss this with you face to face."

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