3 - A Good Advice?

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The weekend went by without another incident, but that was only down to them not trying again. Dec didn't dare to and Ant didn't want to. He would rather have no sex at all than Declan being miserable again, so he hadn't mentioned it again and they went on a nice little trip together on Sunday, exploring the countryside a bit and having a little picnic in the sun.

But Ant noticed that Dec was a bit off, but he of course knew that it was only normal. He tried to cheer Dec up over the day, being loving towards him as always, showing him exactly that it really didn't matter to him. That there was so much more to their relationship than having sex. And Ant really enjoyed the day, having Dec all to himself, they had nowhere to go, nowhere to be at a certain time and it was brilliant.

Dec felt as if Ant wanted to make up for it though, as if Ant wanted to show him that he didn't mind. But in Dec's mind, Ant just had to have a problem with it. It was only normal to be annoyed when you partner had problems with that. So Dec was suspicious as to whether Ant really meant everything he did that day.

He tried to stop his mind from worrying over that, but he couldn't help it. He tried to enjoy their day and in a way he did, but the events of the last two days were preying on his mind, he couldn't stop it.

Dec knew that Ant noticed and tried his best to distract him and pamper him over the day. Dec thought it was sweet of his boyfriend to make such an effort, he had even packed a nice picnic for them to have on the countryside.

But again, Dec wasn't sure whether he only did that to not show him how hurt he was inside. And Dec couldn't help it, he had always been like that, he had always been one to get lost in thoughts, to obsess about things, to not be able to let go. And he really tried to make it stop this time because he knew it would lead to nothing, but he couldn't help it. The thoughts were running through his mind.

"What are you thinking about?" Ant asked in that moment and put the blanket around them tighter. It was already dark and they were still sitting under that tree they had had their lovely picnic.

"How beautiful it is here" Dec lied and pointed at the stars.

"Aye, it is" Ant smiled and pecked Dec's temple. "Most beautiful place with the most beautiful man" he added lovingly.

Dec smiled and sighed before snuggling deeper into Ant's hold. "I love you" he whispered and he really meant it. Of course he loved his Ant.

And he knew that was all that mattered and for a quick moment, he forgot about it all and just enjoyed lying in his boyfriend's arms, the sky full of stars above them and the moon shining bright, creating a very lovely atmosphere.

Ant gently kissed Dec's lips and smiled at his boyfriend. "I love you more" he grinned and pulled him close again.

Life was busy again throughout the week and Dec was thankful for that. He really managed to get his mind off things with work and other commitments. Of course, he still didn't feel at ease with it, but he knew that indeed stuff like that could happen and that he had to calm down a bit in that matter.

Ant had been a great help also, being there for him and they even had talked about it again once and had agreed on taking their time and that Dec had most likely just been really stressed out from the lack of free time over the previous weeks and with his stressful project at work. So they decided to take it slowly.

Unfortunately, they also had to because Ant had promised his mum to come to visit over the next weekend. Dec had decided to stay behind for once and surprisingly, Ant had agreed.

Normally, he wanted to take Dec with him everywhere, but he knew that Dec had been stressed out too much lately, so he wanted him to have another nice and calm weekend, also with the perspective in mind that things would go back to normal once Dec would have had some proper rest.

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