8 - Close Again

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AN: I am not a doctor - obviously, so it could be that this isn't portrayed accurately. But I do know for a fact that stuff like this exists ;) Remember it's all fiction :) xx


Dec phoned the doctor first thing in the morning on Monday. He was terrified but he wanted to do this himself. Ant was already at work, Dec had insisted to do this alone.

In the end, it was alright although it disappointed him that the next available appointment was two weeks away and he begged the lady to take him in earlier but she told him that there was no possibility to do so. And as Dec was still so embarrassed and couldn't bring himself to explain what was wrong, he had to swallow the pill.

Disappointed and a bit sad, he called Ant and told him about it and his boyfriend was understanding and loving as always and tried to make him smile. Of course it worked in the end and Dec went to work in a slightly better mood. And work got him distracted quite well.

The two weeks went by slowly, Dec was desperate and determined now to do something about it and he was dying to go to that doctor, although he was still of course a bit scared. At least everything was fine with him and Ant again and he appreciated Ant's caring demeanour now as he knew that it wasn't acted out.

They did a lot to distract themselves and so the next weekend they went to go visit Dec's mum who was of course over the moon to see them. Dec's mum always complained how they should visit more often and so she was more than happy that they did now, although she had seen them only about 6 weeks ago.

As Dec's family was huge, there was a lot going on in the Donnelly household and Ant and Dec enjoyed being occupied. They played with Dec's nephews and nieces, they helped preparing the huge Saturday night dinner and they went to visit Ant's mum on Sunday.

"So now, what is the real reason behind your visit?" Anne asked when they had a little lunch after Ant and Dec had returned from Christine.

Dec shrugged his shoulders. "Just wanted to see you, that's all" he smiled cheekily.

"I know my son, Dec" his mother smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. "And I know you two and something is off."

Ant and Dec looked at each other and sighed at the same time.

"So something is off?" Anne asked and smiled encouragingly at the two men in front of her.

"No... Yes... But everything is going to be fine" Dec said and smiled at Ant, placing his hand on top of his boyfriend's on the table.

"Aye" Ant smiled back and kissed Dec's cheek.

Anne looked at them puzzled. "So you don't want to talk about it? Okay" she said and smiled again. "But you know you can if you want to, right?"

The boys nodded and soon they said their goodbyes to make the journey home to London again.

"Even others are noticing now" Dec sighed loudly when he got into the car. "I really love you, you know that, right?" he added sheepishly and lowered his head.

"Hey" Ant said and grabbed Dec's chin to make him look at him again. "Listen, it's your mum, you know what she is like. She knew you were in love with me before you even knew it yourself."

"True" Dec said and had to giggle.

"See" Ant smirked. "And I do know that you love me and I made a promise to you and I will keep that. We will get to the bottom of this and I won't desert you, okay?"

Dec leaned in and kissed Ant as gently as he could and smiled at him afterwards.

"Oh, and I love you too" Ant laughed and pinched Dec's cheek.

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