Chapter 14

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Scarlett's Pov

When we got back from town I looked back at the trees, carrying the bag that held the items from the antique store, including moms necklace that I had yet to put on. I sighed looking back at the ground, thinking about the days events. Mostly my mind focused on how Thomas had helped me when the crowds had started to become too much. I wasn't used to having anyone around when I started to become like that, let alone have anyone willing to help... It made me feel even worse, not explaining anything to him. I was too scared though, after so long of keeping it to myself.

"Are you pretty full from tacos? I was thinking about just making something smaller for dinner tonight." Thomas's voice brought me out of my thoughts and I looked over at him, nodding a little.

"That sounds fine... I'm still pretty full. They were pretty good." I faintly smiled which he returned, but it faltered as he seemed to notice something.

"Do you need help putting your moms necklace on? I can get the clasp for you." He smiled softly, his intentions perfectly innocent, but I couldn't help tensing a little. I didn't want to explain why the idea of someone putting something around my neck terrified me, even if it was only Thomas, even if it was only a necklace. Instead, I told him the other reason I had yet to put it on.

"No, I'm okay... I... I'm still not sure it's right for me to wear it yet... I mean... She never actually said she'd want me to have it..." I rubbed my arm holding it closer to my side, my eyes falling to the ground. That was only half the reason, but I physically couldn't voice the other part...

Thomas was silent for a few moments, before he kneeled in front of me with that same gentle understanding smile, gently holding my shoulder, which I surprisingly didn't pull away from.

"It sounds like your mother loved you dearly, I'm sure she would have wanted you to have it. I know that I would want to pass on something as beautiful as that pendant to my child if I were her." He got to his feet again as I thought about what he said. Maybe she would have wanted me to wear it...

"I suppose... I'll put it on later. I might take a little nap... It's kinda tiring, when things start to get overwhelming like the crowd did..." I rubbed my arm still a little awkward talking about things like this with someone else. Thankfully Thomas was understanding though, and nodded as he unlocked the door and went inside, closing the door when I followed him in.

"Of course, I can imagine it would be. Should I wake you after a couple hours?" Thomas looks over and I hesitate a second, before nodding. I knew that I always kept my beanie on.

"Y-Yeah, thank you..." I rubbed my arm as I walked back up the stairs, going into my room. I set the bag down on the table beside the bed, deciding to properly put everything away once I woke up. I laid back on the bed and sighed, not even bothering to get under the covers. I was too tired after earlier.

"Hey kiddo, how you feeling?" I opened my eyes when I heard Patton's familiar peppy tones, though surprised I hadn't heard any sound like I normally did when the others showed up. Apart from Virgil at least.

"I'm okay, just a little tired..." I sat up again as I looked at Patton, who chewed his lip looking at me. Something had a shiver going down my spine, something I didn't quite understand. I wrote it off as just still being after effects of the crowds earlier.

"Well, you know I'm Thomas's heart, and his honesty. I should tell you, he's having some doubts about whether he made the right choice in adopting you. He's been a bit stressed worrying about you." Patton looked at me with something in his eyes I didn't recognize, but my heart sunk hearing what he said. If I had already stressed him so far, he could never know the rest...

"I... I thought I was doing okay... I mean... I apologized for the nightmare and... Maybe asking for the necklace was too forward..." I didn't raise my eyes from the ground, my hands slightly clenching as I gripped my arms, resisting the urge to itch them. Not now, not after this long.

"Oh, no, he's been quite stressed after that nightmare of yours, and then when you fainted? He wondered if you would be better off in a hospital if you had something serious going on." The more Patton continued the more I couldn't help shaking slightly, clenching my arms tighter. The small fraction of hope I'd built up about being able to stay, it came crumbling down.

"I... It was so stupid... Thinking I could stay... Of course I can't... I never can... I... I'll leave..." I hated to say it, because after so long of being alone, I'd started to open up to the others, let myself care... I liked Thomas, and I was getting more comfortable around the sides, but now...

"If that's what you think is best, it's not my place to stop you." Patton vanished away again and I was left alone in the room, glancing over at the dresser, where I'd unpacked my duffel before. A lot of good that had done me...

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