Chapter 12

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Scarlett's Pov

The other sides went back to their 'rooms' as they explained them while Thomas and I ate breakfast, and I couldn't make eye contact after the night before. I felt like something should be said, but I didn't know what to say. What could I say? I'd passed out and made everyone worry, and I couldn't even tell anyone why.

"Hey, Scarlett?" Thomas was the first to break the silence after he finished his food. I glanced up a bit nervously to see his soft smile.

"I've gotta head into town today, do you want to come shopping with me? It's mostly for food shopping but you might find something you like, food or otherwise." He smiled seeming excited at the idea and I grew nervous, looking down at my empty plate.

"Um... Maybe... Are there usually a lot of people in the store..?" I couldn't help slightly squirming in my seat, always hating crowds, but having even more of a reason after...

"Not normally, no. Besides it's a Friday, so more people will be at work than if it were the weekend. I'm sure there will only be a few people there." I thought about what he said before rubbing my sleeve, careful to avoid my elbow.

"I guess that could be fun... Sure. I... I was going to ask if I could maybe get some new pencils..." I looked away almost feeling guilty for asking, but my eyes widened a bit when Thomas grinned.

"Of course! Anything you'd like just let me know." He smiled and took the dishes to the kitchen. I couldn't help a faint smile, honestly a little excited about going shopping. I'd never been before, not really anyway...

Thomas changed into some clean clothes before we both got in the car and started to go towards the city again. I still sat in the back though, not entirely comfortable with the closeness of the front seat yet. I wanted to stay with Thomas sure, and I was starting to like him and the others, but it would take a while for me to get comfortable. It had already been a big step just for me to unpack my duffle. As we entered the city I couldn't help glancing in the direction of the orphanage, my hands clenching slightly as I quickly looked away at the floorboards. I didn't have to go back... I didn't have to go back...

"You don't ever have to go back there, I promise." I looked up surprised when I saw Thomas watching me in the rear view mirror, a gentle reassuring expression on his face. I couldn't help a slight frown, confused how he could know what I was thinking.

"You were sort of talking under your breath, and I saw you look out the window towards it. It's okay though, you're more than welcome to live with me." He smiled and I couldn't bring myself to form a response, my eyes wide as I processed his words.

I'm welcome... I'm welcome to stay... After years of avoiding homes, of forcing homes to send me back, of being told I would never find a home... Thomas parked in the parking lot of the mall and looked back at me, and his eyes widened and quickly grew concerned.

"Scarlett? What's wrong? Did I say something?" He turned in his seat and I reached my hand up, touching my cheek and realizing that tears had begun to escape my eyes for the first time in years. I couldn't help faintly smiling, shaking my head and wiping my eyes with my sleeve.

"I-I'm okay... I've just... Never really been welcomed anywhere before. It's surprising is all." I offered a faint smile at him, and for the first time, it actually felt happy...

Logan's Pov

"I see, that would explain some things..." I closed the book I had been reading and sat back to absorb it for a moment. A lot of things made sense now if Scarlett had done this, and at the same time more questions rose. I knew the others would want to hear this. I stood and left my room, going to the living area where we could go in the mind space that resembled Thomas's living room and kitchen.

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