Chapter 3

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Scarlett's PoV

I glanced around the room and hesitantly set my duffel down just inside the walk in closet. I wished I could unpack it, but I wouldn't be here long, so there was no point. I walked over to the window, looking out at the trees.

This really was a nice place to live... A part of me so badly wanted to stay here, but I couldn't. It would be selfish to stay, knowing what always followed me. I couldn't do that to anyone, let alone someone as nice as Thomas seemed to be. I sat down on the edge of the bed watching the wind gently sway the treetops. I wanted to run, to climb, to take my beanie off...

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a quiet knock on the door, realizing that while I'd been lost in thought the sky had darkened, and become an array of soft oranges and reds as the sun set. I turned to look at the door as Thomas opened it, smiling softly as he leaned against the doorway for a moment.

"I was about to start deciding on dinner, is there anything you like or don't like? Any allergies?" He tilted his head and I glanced away at the floor, thinking for a moment.

"I know it's something not really common... I'm allergic to bell peppers, and mushrooms..." I glanced over hoping that like with some of the other kids who had come back, my allergy to such a common food would be seen as an inconvenience and a waste of time. I had to not care, I had to get sent back.

"Mushrooms and bell peppers huh? You got it kiddo." He smiled as he went downstairs, and I noticed how the way he'd talked was similar to when he'd talked to me about people at the orphanage. It seemed slightly different somehow than other times he'd talked, though I couldn't quite explain it.

I laid back on the bed for a moment, staring up at the ceiling as I processed the days events. I had somehow been adopted, and I would have to keep a mask on, act like I didn't care, and go back... I closed my eyes laying on my side, looking at the ivy pattern and tracing the edge of the felt leaves with my finger.

You'll be fine Scarlett, just pretend not to care. At least that's something you're good at. You'll do fine, just get sent back... I tried to focus on my thoughts, not how nice this home was, not how much a part of me wanted to stay... I looked at the clock and figured it was late enough, maybe I'd get a few decent hours. I slowly stood and opened my door, glancing down the hall and going halfway down the stairs to see Thomas in the kitchen, looking in the fridge.

"...I'm a little tired, is it okay if I go to bed early?" It felt odd asking after so long in the orphanage of no one caring what you did as long as you were in your room at 10. He looked over surprised before smiling softly and nodding.

"Of course, if you get hungry when you wake up and I'm already asleep you can help yourself to anything you'd like. What's mine is yours now." I was surprised that he didn't get mad somehow, whether it be for sleeping so early or sleeping through a meal. I had heard of other guardians like that. Then again, it was hard to know what to expect with this guy.

I went back upstairs and closed the door behind me, leaning against it for a moment. I debated taking my beanie off since it was slightly warm, but when I noticed the door had no lock I decided against it. I looked in my bag and changed into a long sleeve plum shirt and some black pants that wouldn't be too hot to sleep in, before crawling under the covers. It was starting to get dark out even though it was only 7:30, and I was somewhat thankful since it was hard to fall asleep with sunlight in the room.

I laid back and was surprised by the softness of the bed, completely different than the almost brick like mattress at the orphanage, and the comforters weight and warmth was oddly comforting. I flipped my pillow over feeling the coolness of the pillowcase, as well as the sheets when I pulled the blankets up to my chin. I closed my eyes but couldn't quite get comfortable, something feeling off. I looked to the second pillow on the bed and brought it down under the covers, laying on my side and hugging it close. I very slowly began to drift off, hopeful that maybe with this new setting, I could finally get a little sleep.

I was in a pitch black room, feeling tight ropes around my wrists and ankles. I couldn't move no matter how much I struggled against the restraints. I heard the sound of a door opening and harsh bright lights turned on, revealing the metal box I was in, with only one door. I shied away from the man, my entire body trembling in fear as I saw the syringe in his hand.

"N-No... M-m-more... Pl-please..." I could barely force the words out through my trembling lips. The man simply smirked, his eyes gleaming in excitement as he tested the syringe, a few drops of liquid squirting out.

"It's adorable how you still think begging will save you." He jabbed the syringe into my arm, excruciating pain shooting through my entire body.

I jolted upright in bed breathing heavy, struggling to catch my breath and my vision blurry at first. I felt a hand on my arm and jerked away instinctively, pulling back against the wall. I vaguely could see my hands shaking and clenched my hands tightly, trying to make them stop. So much for a good nights sleep...

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