Chapter 10

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Logan's Pov

"Logan?" Patton peeked his head around the door and I glanced up from what I was reading. He rarely came to my room because of the 'plain' decorating, or more specifically the fact I wouldn't let him add to the decor.

"Yes Patton?" He looked at the floor rubbing his neck before sitting on the floor cross legged. The position was similar to that of an upset child, but the expression on his face was one of someone far more understanding than a child.

"What happened earlier with Scarlett, what are the odds of it happening again?" He looked up at me, with the expression I dreaded. He was looking to me to cheer him up with the truth, but sometimes that was nearly impossible.

"Well, considering what Virgil said about a repressed memory, the likely hood that she has more memories like that is about 70%, so it's probable." I thought out the odds before my eyes widened seeing the expression on his face.

"Although, the likely hood that we'll be able to better help now that we know what happened is about 97%." I tried to reassure him the only way I could think of or knew how to do. He
smiled nodding as he got to his feet again and hugged me gratefully. I didn't quite understand hugs but I awkwardly moved my arms to return the gesture before he pulled away and started to walk out.

"Thank you Logan." He smiled looking at me and I nodded, sitting and returning to my book again. I was growing curious of how repressed memories really worked, and I began to do a bit of research.

"Hmm... Repressed memories are often of tragedies or painful experiences... Why would cookies be painful?" I didn't realize I was talking aloud before I heard footsteps, and glanced back surprised to see Virgil in the doorway.

"Mind if I come talk to you for a minute?" He glanced at the bed past his bangs and I realized this must be important if he was considering sitting.

"Of course, close the door." I nodded at the door and he closed it before walking to sit cross legged on the edge of the bed. I turned my chair to face him and was surprised when he was actually making eye contact, with some emotion in his eyes I didn't recognize.

"You can't tell the others this, or Thomas. Not for now at least... It's about Scarlett." He seemed determined in a way I hadn't seen before, and so I agreed despite not enjoying lying to anyone. None of us enjoyed lying...

"I decided to only partially vanish so that I could keep an eye on her, and I noticed something when she fell asleep... I only got a glimpse when the sleeve moved, but her wrist had a bunch of scars of cuts, and further up her arm seemed to have more from what I could glimpse... Is there anyway to tell if they were self inflicted or not? She doesn't seem the type to go that far, but considering earlier was unexpected as well..." He looked down and I took a moment to process what he was saying.

"Well," I readjusted my glasses. "Technically, there's many reasons she could have those scars. One possibility is self infliction, but there's also the possibility she was in some sort of accident. Then as I recall the orphanage manager didn't seem to like her, so there's always the possibility of her or another resident attacking her. There's not really a way of being sure unless we see new ones while she's here." I explained it to him calmly as always, but the idea of someone hurting her even bothered me. To me it didn't add up or make sense why someone would be driven to physically mark another.

"I suppose... I might keep an eye on her for longer then, to be safe..." Virgil started to stand to leave, before I thought of something I'd read.

"One moment, Virgil." I looked through my bookshelf before finding the book and scrolling through the pages.

"Where is... Aha! You can keep an eye on the color of the scars, especially on pale skin, because the older the scar is the more faded it will appear. With the shade her skin already is the scars will still be easily visible even at the oldest ones." I looked over to him and he seemed surprised before nodding gratefully, vanishing back to the real world while I returned to my book, though beginning to research more into depressive and anxious behavior. I had touched on it before when Virgil first started to really kick in for Thomas, but Scarlett seemed on a different level of heightened.

"Let's see... I already know about attacks from Virgil... Hmm?" I started to read up on night terrors as I recalled Virgil calming her the night before. It was fascinating to read, but at the same time, there was an odd feeling when I thought about someone as young as Scarlett having to go through this.

Scarlett's pov

"Hello? Wh-Where is anyone?" I looked around the dark room nervously, my small hands trembling at my sides. I tried to get to my feet but my legs gave out beneath me, and I barely caught myself before I fell face first.

"O-Ow... Wh-Where am I? M-Mommy?" I felt my eyes beginning to water as I couldn't see anything, anyone. I wanted my mommy. I wanted to go home.

"Don't you remember you little brat?! Mommy's not here anymore. You killed her, remember? You came with us so that we could keep you from killing anyone else. How many times will you forget?!" I heard a static filled voice and froze at the words, images flooding my mind.

"Wh... No... I wouldn't ever... No... Mommy... I want my mommy... Where is she? Is it hide and seek?" I started to frantically fight against the chains at my ankles that had startled and kept me from getting up before. I was trying to fight against them, to go and look for her. I didn't even care about the metal digging into my ankles, the raw flesh slowly growing bloody as I cried out.

"Mommy! Let me go find my mommy! I want her here! I wanna go home! I don't like the dark!" I could hear the static filled voice but couldn't make out the words, deafened by my own cries. It was scary here. I wanted to go home. I wanted mom to come carry me and sing me to sleep, for her to tell me everything was okay. I saw a rectangle of light as a door was opened and froze.

"M-Mommy? No more hide and seek?" I looked at the figure who's face I couldn't see due to the brightness of the light behind them. I barely had time to glimpse a long white coat however, and knew it wasn't my mom...

"Sorry S-17, mommy's gone. Now, we can't have you bleeding out yet." A venomous tone rang out, a voice I would never forget. I felt a stinging pain as a needle was injected in my neck, before everything went dark.

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