Chapter 11

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Virgil's pov

Appearing back in Scarlett's room I made sure I was a cat again, looking at where she was still fast asleep. I jumped up and sat in the windowsill beside the bed, looking over her. I thought about what Logan had said about the shade of the scars and looked back at her wrist, seeing it was covered still from earlier. I'd just have to try and keep an eye on her so that I'd know if she were to try to hurt herself.

I perked my ears hearing her breathing shift, standing and walking to her pillow as I noticed a couple tears leave her eyes, dripping to the pillow. I sat back and gently pawed her face, attempting to wipe the tears but also to wake her up how a normal cat would.

I guess she has nightmares often... I gently pawed her until her eyes slowly opened, and my own widened at the sadness and pain that disappeared as soon as she actually seemed to register she was awake.

"Hmm... Hey there kitty. What is it? Are you hungry?" She sat up and gently pet my head, while I was unable to help a quiet purr at the movement. Damn cat reflexes, even if it was only a form...

"I guess if the others aren't awake I could go down and find you some food... Is there anything cats can't eat? I know for dogs chocolate is one, and avocado... Oh, I know." She started to get up before looking down at her clothes for a moment.

"I guess I should change into some clean clothes... Actually..." She stood and approached the door, cracking it open and glancing down the hall. I wanted to continue to keep an eye on her, so I walked up and rubbed her ankles. I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling I had, like something was going to happen.

"Do you want to come with me kitty?" She looked down tilting her head, and I meowed at her.

Of course I want to go with. I have to know if you hurt yourself or if others did it to you. I wanted to talk to her and tell her that, but a meow was all I could manage in this form.

"Okay... I suppose it wouldn't hurt to shower while Thomas is asleep... I'll have to ask if the others sleep when he does." She went to retrieve a change of clothes and I stayed in the doorway, debating what she said. Obviously I wasn't going to just stare while she showered, but I could get a glimpse of her arms and find out if the scars were old or not. If they were new...

"These should still fit... Yeah, looks like it. Stay close okay kitty? I'll have to ask if you're okay to be here..." She fiddled with her sleeve and I realized she meant asking Thomas, meaning the others would pop in too. Roman and Patton especially at the word cat, or any animal really.

Deep breaths Virgil, there's no way they'll know it's you. Just act like a normal cat, a stray that came in the window. I focused my thoughts and followed Scarlett down the hall. She heard a floor board creak beneath her and winced, freezing for a moment. I rubbed her leg and could see her holding her breath, before she seemed to relax. Was she worried about waking Thomas or any of us sides?

Once we were in the bathroom I jumped up on the counter, sitting there and acting like I was curious about my reflection, when really I was glancing in the mirror at Scarlett.

Scarlett's pov

I froze once I looked in the mirror, not seeing my own reflection for a while. There were hardly any mirrors in the orphanage except one in the commons room, but I'd always ignored it. I didn't want anyone to catch me looking at myself. They'd have taunted me for being such a conceited freak.

I brought a hand up touching under my eyes, feeling the dark circles beginning to form there. Even knowing that I was used to little sleep my eyes always felt like this, sometimes worse if I went a few days without any sleep. I stared at how dark my hair was and how pale I was, and at the horrible unnatural blue that made me a freak, the blue of my irises. I looked away and gripped the counter, resting my head against the wall just below the mirror as I closed my eyes.

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