Chapter 7

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Scarlett's PoV

God, why did I mention I drew at all? Of course he would want to see them, and of course I had to hide what my drawings were really of. I usually drew as an outlet, to relax from my nightmares. I couldn't let anyone actually see them, not with what was in them...

My entire body went ridged as I felt arms around me, and when I noticed the pawed hoodie sleeves I realized it was Patton. I couldn't help it and pulled away, my entire body stiff as I stepped back until I felt the stair railing behind me.

"I'm sorry! You just looked like you needed a hug." Patton held his hands up like a surrender and Thomas looked at me worried. I didn't like having so many eyes on me, even if it was just the two of them, so I looked away at the ground.

"S-sorry..." I stammered out an apology before running upstairs to the bedroom I'd been given. I could hardly stand touch, let alone a hug... It was just too constricting. I looked at my duffel in the corner and sighed, sitting on the bed.

"What am I doing? I have to get sent back..." I hugged my legs to my chest hiding in my knees, thinking over that mornings events. It had definitely been surprising to learn about the others, but it wasn't so different than what they had instilled in me... I had thought for a moment I could find a home here, talking to all the others, but that had been selfish thinking...

"Patton can be a handful, but he's not so bad. Now Roman, don't get him started." I jumped when I heard his voice and glanced over to see Virgil sitting on the windowsill. I was about to ask how he got in, but he seemed to already see the question in my eyes.

"We can kinda appear anywhere if Thomas is nearby, though we usually just stick to the living room." He smirked a little and I nodded, hesitating before glancing at the floor.

"Does Thomas know everything that you guys do?" I glanced over at my unpacked duffel, before looking at my knees, worried about him knowing how I'd been curled up. He was nice, I didn't want him or Patton to feel bad about me being upset.

"Good god no, it would be a nightmare if that were the case. I definitely don't want inside Prince's head." Virgil groaned and I couldn't help but smile faintly.

"Basically everything we know is stored in a corner of Thomas's mind, or our rooms technically. We can let him or the others know what we want, like Logan still has him knowing what he learned in school and all that." As Virgil explained it I nodded, making sense of it. I caught myself enjoying being here again, and looked away as I reminded myself that I couldn't stay.

"You're all nice... I wish you weren't..." I didn't realize I said it out loud until I caught Virgil's look out of the corner of my eye, and looked away at the corner of the room.

"I thought the same, until recently I was the bad guy in situations with the other sides. I hated when Patton was nice, or when Logan managed to have nice moments, because it made it harder to spite them when I got singled out. They started to include me more though, and it's not completely terrible being friends with all of them." I glanced over hearing Virgil, and though he didn't show it around any of the others he did care about them still.

"If you tell anyone I said that though I'll deny it." I nodded faintly smiling at him before I looked away when he vanished, thinking about what he said. It wasn't so terrible being included... Maybe I could...

I glanced outside the window as I heard a faint pittering, and my eyes widened to see snow and a tiny bit of hail. It never got this cold here, yet it was right in front of my eyes. I'd seen snow before living other places, but it was still nice to see here... I sat on the bed and leaned against the glass, looking out at the snowfall. I wanted to run in it... I couldn't right now though.

I must have watched the 12 inch snowfall for at least a couple hours, all the while trying to process what I should do. I wanted to stay, to maybe call this home, but I didn't want to risk the danger. Then again...

"I haven't seen any sign of them for 2 years... Maybe they did lose track of me..." I tried to reason with myself about possible reasons I could stay, because if I was honest with myself, I was tired of being alone all the time... I'd never let myself focus on that fact because I'd never given myself a chance to change it, but being here, I wanted to try.

I glanced over at my duffel, knowing that ultimately if I decided to stay, unpacking would be the biggest step for me. I closed my eyes for a moment, before getting to my feet, and unzipping my bag.

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