Bored ( Ghost's POV)

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Laying on the couch I had a stack of pillows behind me and the remote within arms reach. This was how my day was made to go. Every time I tried to go do anything Jason or Row forced me back onto the couch. I begged Rune for help but he said he couldn't, something about promising to help make sure I healed properly. Boredom was creeping its way in slowly. Stretching out I got up and went to look for something to do. After not being able to find Jason no matter where I looked I went to bug Rune.

We argued about shit then sat in silence.

"I'm still bored."

"Go buy a kid to play with or something! Go swim in the pool, Play video games, Watch tv but by god, you stay out of trouble."

"You can buy children?"

"I don't know probably, Why?"

"No reason."

Leaving Runes office I played video games and watched more tv and I knew I wasn't allowed to swim so that was out of the question. Grabbing a laptop I searched more into this "Buy a child" thing. Turns out you could rehome already adopted children. Clicking on a site a scrolled through the page. There were photos of children that needed to be rehomed. Clicking on a child's photo I found he was two and they had just gotten to busy to look after another child. This made me really sad. They treated these children like pets. When they couldn't "train" them they got rid of them.

I had no idea how to care for a baby but Jason might right?

I emailed the person and we set up a time and place to meet. She said she would bring papers signed by her lawyer and I could meet the child. As soon as I had them signed the boy would be mine. How horrible this woman is.

* * * * * *

Grabbing my jacket slipped it over my bad arm then carefully got it on all the way. The meet up was in just a few moments at a nearby coffee store. It shocked me how she could have these papers wrote up just a few hours later. Did she already have them signed and waiting?

Sitting in the booth by the window I brought a colouring book and crayons like she said so that she could find me. A tall blond women pushing a walking stroller came in the cafe, She walked over and introduced her self as Pam Allen, The women I talked to online. She took Mason out of the stroller and set him beside her. she gave him the crayons and the colouring book.

We talked for an hour before she finally handed me the papers.

"Please have those signed and we will be in touch Mr.Ross."

"Of course."

The walk home took a long time as I was reading the papers and walking. The whole time we had been together at the cafe Pam had ignored the baby and even went so far to push him off her back into the seat beside when he crawled on her. I basically ran inside when I got back to Rune & Rows.

Grabbing a pen I wrote my name on the spots I was supposed to and jogged to Rune's office. He was on the phone but I waited until he was off the phone.

"Hey, Rune I need a favour. Call your lawyer and have him come here ASAP."

"Why? what did you do?"

"Just what you said to."

"I have not idea what you are referring to but I'll call him okay."


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