Ch. 25: Visiting Hours

Start from the beginning

She looked up at him with eyes that were becoming lifeless. He didn't like it. This wasn't her.

She ignored his words and came after him again. Kicking and punching away. The more he blocked, the harder she hit.

Dark suddenly grabbed her wrists and held them in place. "Look at me!"

(Y/n) gritted her teeth, staring down at the ground. She couldn't look at him if she did the fight would end.

She pulled her arms back from him, but he didn't let go. She then kicked him in his stomach causing him to release his grip. 

He adjusted himself, fixing his shirt and hair. "I ask you to stop this. You're acting — strange —"

"You need to fight me." She raised her voice. "Fight me Dark!"

"I will do no such thing." He spit back. "I will treat you as a child if you wish to act like one."

She ignored his words and came hurtling towards him. She decided to pull an old trick her brother would pull while pretending to be a football player and tackled Dark down like a professional defensive player. He went down like a bag of bricks.

(Y/n) straddled his waist and held his wrists down. "Give up?"

He glared her down and before she knew it he had her standing up in a choke hold. "Are you going to calm yourself, Spero?"

She grabbed onto his arm and pulled him over her back, slamming him onto the ground. She was tired, and breathing heavily. "You're not even a challenge. It's pathetic." She then turned and began walking away. "I'll find a demon worth fighting."

He appeared in front of her, eyes piercing her own. "Pathetic, hmm?"

This version of Dark wasn't the one she knew.

Dark grabbed the front of her shirt and pulled her up, her feet dangling in the air. She grabbed his hands trying to pry them.

"Let me go!" She called.

"You're supposed to be the best, Spero, —" He smirked briefly before letting it fall to a grim line. "Now prove it."

As if she was the weight of an apple he tossed her across the room into a pillar. She hit, back first, then fell to the ground.

(Y/n) leaned up on her elbow feeling pain throughout her body. She shook as the feeling overwhelmed her.

There was a hinge of guilt in Dark's chest, but he couldnt identify it. He began to worry as she laid on the floor without moving much. He didn't want to actually hurt her at this point. He began walking over to her with his hands folded neatly behind his back. He bent down at her and lifted her chin with his finger.

"What is the point of this, Spero?"

"She's dying." Tears began filling her eyes.

"Who is dying?"

"Nana Rose is dying. Rosie is dying Dark."

Dark's eyes widened.

"Rosie is my great- great- great grandmother." She began sitting up slowly.

He grabbed her arm and pulled it over his shoulder, hoisting her up and began walking. "You've been absent for days."

"Training.." She lightly chuckled. "I don't know why I bother."

"Self defense is an important part of training, as well as your offensive attack. It's always important to exceed your limits."

"That's — not why I'm training." She admitted.

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