CH 34: How It All Began...

Start from the beginning

"You're speaking in riddles, demon, and I don't have time for them."

"Let me be clearer then, achara. I didn't come here for him, I came for you." After speaking, he steps away from the wall and into the radius of weak light leaking from one of the street lamps. As he turns his face upwards, his masculine beauty is outlined by the faint light and it's almost blinding in its perfection.

Tremors race up and down my spine as recognition of who stands before me fills my mind. If this person wants my human, there will be nothing I can do to stop him. I wouldn't stand a chance against him. I'm a simple Guardian Angel and he's, "Lucifer Morningstar." The words slip from my mouth in a mixture of awe and despair.

"Currently I prefer Abaddon, but yes. That's me." He chuckles, however as my shuddering intensifies, he speaks again, "Now, now, achara. Calm down. I'm not here to hurt you. I value beauty too much for that."

"I-I don't understand... w-what do you want with me?" Thankfully, the tremble in my voice isn't too bad as I speak.

"Tonight? Nothing." A smile spills across his face. "I just came by to say hello. Oh, and to tell you I'll be keeping my eyes on you, achara."

Confusion swirls through my brain, making my mouth spill my thoughts out, "Why?"

He doesn't answer though. He just laughs one more time then slips back into the same side street he entered from and disappears.


Three months have now passed since the first night I met Abaddon, and I've kind of gotten used to seeing him. I'll admit the first couple of times, ok maybe more than the first couple, I was completely freaked out, but it's gotten better lately. It's not like he does anything to be frightening, it's really just 'who' he is that's scary.

He usually shows up, greets me, asks about how I've spent my days since the last time he saw me, then leaves. That's it. He still hasn't explained what he wants or why he visits me, even though I've asked every time he's appeared. Actually, it's usually around the time I start asking questions, that he says he has things to do and vanishes.

He might be gorgeous, but he's kind of a jerk.


Abaddon has been popping in to see me for seven months now. After all this time, I've gotten used to him knowing where I am. It's not like he's waiting for me in the same place every time I see him.

Usually, I'm out spending time watching over one of my humans and he just appears along my path. He never obstructs me from doing my job and he never messes with my charge. In fact, he's usually the perfect gentleman. There was a time when I was very afraid of him, but now I'm not sure what all the hype is about.

He comes by three to four times a week and we talk while he accompanies me on my rounds. He tells awful jokes which I pretend to laugh at, and he smiles when I tease him about it. He has a beautiful smile.


There have been no visits from Abaddon for almost a week now, which is highly unusual since lately he appears at least once a day. You never know how much you've come to depend on something happening, until it suddenly stops, and you're left to wonder what's going on.

After ten months, I've gotten accustomed to talking to him and spending time with him, and now abruptly he's vanished. I feel like I might actually be missing him, a teeny tiny basically not worth mentioning itty bitty bit. Maybe a little more than that if I'm honest.

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