》Chapter Sixty-Seven

Start from the beginning

" You know." His thick eyelashes are black and very long, I wish I had those. " I had girls crying at my feet to have a piece of me."

" I don't want any piece, part or even bits of you, thank you. I'm fine." He giggles barely, not succeeding into keeping his cool.

" You are one of a kind." I'm starving and want to lunch myself on the take away boxes, they smell delicious. Nevertheless, I need to stay focus and extort as many information as I can.

" Why am I here?" This wipes away the grin on his face, forcing him to let go of his beer before adjusting himself on the couch so that he can face me. His hair is messy and curly, very short and look so soft. Seriously boy, why do you have to be so beautiful and cute at the same time? It makes it hard for me to hate you.

" The people who took you, they are all part of a secret society who finds the most broken women and gives them a second chance, if we want to call it that, by selling them to rich families members who want to have some fun outside marriage or do stuff no one else would. "

" So what am I? Some sort of high-class doll?" He places one finger to his temple, trying to find the right way to explain it to me.

" Kind of, only that you don't need any particular skill to get into this entourage. You don't have to entertain people or dance like geishas do. All you do is stay at home with me and let me use you as I please the most. Lots of those who get a Janfu, have poor imagination and end up using their doll only for sex, it's a shame really." I feel so discouraged and lost, what could I have done of so terrible to deserve such a thing?

" Why did they take me? I have family, I'm in Uni and have – friends." I was about to say boyfriend. I can't let it slip my lips, I won't let them know my weak spot, even though they probably already know.

" I haven't the faintest idea, really." We share a moment of silence where the two of us just stare at each other and I sink deeper into my desperation. I want to find a way out but at the moment there's none.

" So, now do you want to have fun or not?" I can't tell if he's teasing me or not, however when in doubt, I stand and walk fast towards the room I was in before waking up.

" I told you. Forget about it!" He rushes after me; I manage to close the door just a moment before he crushes against it.

" Oh c'mon. Give me some, Rain. Just a tiny piece, I promise I won't eat the whole cake." I kick the door trying to scare him yet his chuckle doesn't go unnoticed.

" My name is Jade and you aren't getting anything from me."

" You know I could command you to? There could be consequences."

" I don't care." I shout back trying to hold to the handle so that he won't come in.

" Why don't you want me?" First I don't like you, second I love somebody else, third I have too much self-respect to hook up because it's part of a deal I haven't signed. So I opt for the easiest thing to say.

" I'm a virgin and I am not giving you my flower."

" But that's exactly why I want it." He bangs against the wood a couple of times until he eventually gets tired and walks away.

After a moment, there's a light knock and then quite peace. I convince myself to face him, but when I come out, he's sited back into the couch. On the floor, there are the Chinese boxes, along with chopsticks and a bottle of water.

I don't know how to feel about this, about him. He surely was nice to leave me something to eat, however I don't trust anybody at the moment, Karen said I shouldn't anyway ,so I just retrieve everything and try to lock myself in, forgetting there's no key. When I'm done eating I'm so full I fall asleep and forget about the door.

It looks like I haven't caught much sleep, when the light peeks through the curtains burning my eyes.

" She was cool... I guess." That's his voice, the blondie one's. " Yeah she did pretty well for a virgin."

" Don't you dare screwing her up, understood? They won't send us any more dolls if you do."

" It's not my fault if they fall in love with me. I do nothing beside smiling and... you know what." No laughter follows his comment so I lean in to listen more carefully.

" Stop being a womanizer, Cole. It isn't funny anymore. You need to be believable or people will never trust you. I bought you this last toy, use it wisely." A toy? Me? Oh god i want to slap this person in the face.

Just as I'm about to do so a very prominent silhouette steps inside my room and I finally put a face to that deep raspy voice who called me a toy.

" This is her?" The boy nods, eyeing me with pleading eyes. I squeeze mine and turn my head to the side to inquire further what is it that he's asking me exactly.

"They described her much worse than she actually is." I grit my teeth.

He paces towards the bed, Cole grabs me from the shoulders and pushes me next to him.

" Shut up." He mumbles under his breath. I don't get a chance to ask why  since his father, i believe, smashes his hands on the head of the bed.

" Where is the blood?" I'm puzzled and glance at Cole, he is as pale as the sheets his father has in his arms.

" She didn't bleed." His cheeks turn red and so do his father's as he throws the silky clothes to the side and grabs my forearm instead, squeezing so hard a squeak escapes my lips.

" Dad!" Cole warns, while his father shakes me before tossing me against the wall with a lot of unrequired strength.

" Don't play games with my boy, scum." I restrain my tears, I've never been treated so poorly, I feel like shattering. I know it's silly, he didn't even hit me yet I feel so abused mentally and physically.

" I paid for you and you better do your job." The air is cut by his vigorous arm that collides with my cheek causing me to hit my head against the partition.

" Father!" Cole shouts as he steps right in front of me. " I'm her owner, I decide what to do with her. I didn't feel in the mood yesterday; she came so late I was deadly tired, so I just let her resting." The explanation floats into the air while the spirited red eyes are on me and don't leave me for a single moment. I can't look away; I think I'm trying to challenge him in a certain way since I don't stand a chance physically.

"You go around fucking your brain out every chance you get and now I buy you somebody you can finally screw without any consequences and you don't feel like to? Are you kidding me?"

Cole's arms are wide not letting his father get any closer to me. And I'm thankful. It could be much worse, I could end up being his father's slave and that would surely be less funny.

" You better getting it done tonight. I'm coming back tomorrow and I better find some blood on those sheets and it better be hers." This said, he storms out of the room and I let myself shaking, having a full meltdown.

" Rain?" Cole carefully nears me, using just two fingers to move my chin to the side and taking a look.

" Ouch. He hit you hard."

" What am I gonna do?" I take my face in my hands and fall on the pavement, so defeated and hopeless.

That's why he wanted to have sex with me? Because of his father? Was he just trying to protect me? Perhaps I wasn't the only one who came in this house and didn't do their job, perhaps Cole helped the others before me, that's why they fell for him. Like some sort of Stockholm syndrome.

" I'm afraid he didn't let us much of a choice. We need to have sex."

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