Chapter 6

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Meg's POV

After a few minutes of me worrying about what will happen at tonight's party , I held my head up and walked down the street to my neighbour's house. The music was really loud and many people covered the front garden. "There she is!!" Said a voice behind me , as I was passing through the living room. It was Luke and the gang of co workers , well now friends.

"Hey" I said and joined the group. Everyone was all dressed up and looking as if they were to walk down the ramp .

"Your looking beautiful" Luke says over the loud rock music. I managed to say a quick thanks and the next thing I know , everyone was in the middle of the living room dancing and having fun. I decide to get a glass of water from the kitchen. The kitchen is a total mess , the floor was filled with red and black cups and pieces of cripes and chips were scattered over the counter. I removed an empty red cup out of the top cabinet and paced around , trying to find a jug containing water but I coulden't find one. Just as I was going to loose hope in finding one , I heard the very familiar voice call behind me.

"Looking for something , Miss. Neighbour?"

"Actually , yes I wanted some water and I can't find it" I say , in the most bossy tone. I turned around and stared at the charming and certainly handsome boy , his blue eyes were slightly lighter than usual and his grin bigger than normal , he was surely drunk.


"Where?" I ask.

"Come" He says and places his hand over mine and grasps my fingers with his large hand and drags me upstairs.

"Where are we going!!" I say as he walks up the stairs , a little ahead of me.

"To my room" He states and I gasp. Whats happening , why am I going to his room?. Before I could say anything , he opens the door to his room.


"I love you" I say to her while kissing her on her forehead.

"I love you too" She says while wrapping her thin hands around my neck as I run my hands through her naturally straight chocolate brown hair. It was my favourite thing to do.

"Evi , I know this is too early and all. But I have to ask you something" I say nervously.

"What is it babe?" She questions , her light brown eyes staring into mine. As much as I love her eyes , I still miss those warm and familiar hazel ones. I always tried to ignore that girl , I always used to push her thoughts away , but she keeps popping up and I always wonder what she would be doing or if she has a boyfriend. A wave of jealousy takes over me as that thought crosses my mind. I quickly bed on my knees and pull out the diamond ring.

"Will you marry me?" I asked the beautiful girl in front of me , who was now on the verge of tears.

"Yes , I will.........I can't believe this! I love you" She says and we kiss. Her lips feel warm against mine and I smile into the kiss.

Meg's POV

I gasp as his room door opens , pieces of canvas and craft paper clutter the floor , wonderful paintings covering the walls. But one painting caught my eye , it was of a middle aged woman with thick blonde hair and on her side was a young  boy with deep blue eyes and brown hair. I realized it was Niall and his mum. "Is t-that..." I started to say but was cut off by Niall

"That was my mum , she passed away when I was thirteen" As soon as those words come out of his mouth , the two of us burst into tears. I've always been the emotional type especially after he left and these kind of situations are what I try to stay away from.

I feel Niall's arms wrapping around me and it takes me a minute to realize what is happening. He looks into my eyes , "C-can I-I get that g-glass of water please" I choke out. He nods and get's it to me.



Hii people , Did you miss me? I guess not :(

This chapter is dedicated to My friend Evi , She's awesome!!

Pls vote , comment and follow me if you have not already! It makes me happy :)

I love you all!!!

5 votes and 5 comments for the next chapter!

-Karamel <3

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