Chapter 3

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"No!" I say. No wonder how many more beer cans will he have in his car?

"Okay then sit here and eat cupcakes all night babe" Niall call as he grabs his keys from the take. I like the way his muscular arm contracts as he does so.

"That would be better than going home in your car " I say stressing on the your , as much as I wan't stay here and eat cupcakes , I rather sleep on my comfortable bed. He smirks and stands in front of me. We're dangerously close to each to each other. His tall body hovering me , his deep blue eyes piercing over me.

"Ahm ahm" A deep voice gets me out of my trance. I look up to see Zayn. Instantly I  look away.

"C'mon Meg, let's go" Niall's voice was calm. I quietly follow him out but not before giving a small embarrassed smile. Niall's car smelt like sandal wood with a hint of sugar in it. He doesn't say anything the whole ride.

The streets were lighted with Christmas lights and snow. Clutching onto the gift box I walked around the streets of Doncaster. Finally I spotted the familiar brick building , smiling at myself I looked at the tree we decorated together , it was visible from the half open window. As I pass the mailbox I see a lot of letters and boxes. I grab the letters and laugh to myself. They have been there for the whole week I was away. Opening the door with my key , I walk up to his bedroom. There were sounds , weird sounds. I smile to myself thinking it's just one of his favourite movies. As I open the door to his room , I'm shocked at what I see. He was on top of a random brunette. "We're over" I say and start to cry.

"Hey! , Meg you okay??" Niall's voice come's and I instantly realize that I'm on my bed and Niall next to me.

"Why are you here?? what happened?" I ask. He explains that I fell asleep in his car so he brought me to my room with the key in my purse and I started crying and shouting.

He quickly leaves me and my thoughts of my dream.


Hey People

pls vote and comment......It makes me happy :)

Oh and Evi , don't worry babe your part is coming soon :)

pls vote and comment!!

5 comments for the next chapter


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