Jeremy's and Harry's room

"You a three old baby, no maybe a sore loser, but not a baby." Jeremy growled.

There was another knock at his door.

"Who's there?" Jeremy asked.

"Got family company, huh looks like you rather not talk about it..." Jim said setting up a bed by the wall by Harry's bed.


Aelita phones rings.

"Hello. Is that you Jeremy?" Aelita answers.

"Yes, Aelita I have to tell you something." Jeremy replied.

"I'm warning you Jeremy if you're going to be as rude-"

"The superscan picked up a replica." Jeremy interrupted her.

"What?" Aelita asked.

"I'll meet you at the factory. Call the others." Jeremy said.

"Now?" Aelita asked.

"Yeah, right now." Jeremy replied.


Aelita walks into the wreck room.

"Aelita finally." Odd sighed.

"A little change of program." Aelita whispered.

"Xana?" Yumi whispered back.

Patrick looks at them confused.

"Replica." Aelita whispered.

"Sorry we have to go fix a problem to take care of." Ulrich said to Patrick as he, Odd, Yumi and Aelita start to leave.

"Who is Xana and replica a couple of Greek friends?" Patrick asks them.

Patrick leaves after them.

Sissi sees Patrick leaving. "See you later." Sissi said getting up.

"Change the channel what are you waiting for?" Nicholas asked.

A few minutes later


"Already here Einstein did you reprogram the nav skid." Odd asked him.

"The program is running..." Jeremy explained.

"Won't Patrick see it?" Ulrich asks him.

"I locked my room, he won't get in till I get back." Jeremy answered.


Patrick tries to open the door to Jeremy and Harry's room finding it locked. "I guess Jeremy or Harry locked their room up. Good thing the principle gave me a copy of the key." Patrick said to himself.

Patrick walks into the room closing the door. A foot stop the door from closing all the way.

"Hello, my name is Sissi. I'm really glad to meet you." Sissi said.


Yumi, Odd, Ulrich and Aelita walk into the scanner room.

"Transfer Yumi, transfer Aelita, transfer Ulrich. Scanner Yumi, scanner Aelita, scanner Ulrich. Virtualization." Jeremy said.

Yumi, Ulrich, and Aelita are sent to lyoko.

Jeremy and Harry's room

"You're wrong. Jeremy and I don't hate each other." Patrick says.

"There's no need to lie to me. I know everything, but I'm on the side of good guys like you Patrick. Jeremy and his gang are up to no good, but together we can catch them." Sissi explained.

the final round #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now