"Who're you?"

"Surprised you have to ask. My name isn't of importance either way."


"I don't see why you would want to know me. I don't even know you."

"You seem irritating."

"Aw, thanks," the goopy skeleton replied cheekily. "Get used to it. We have plenty of bonding time."

The one on the bottom bunk scoffed.

"Why are you here?" Night seemed hesitant to ask.

"Mass murder, thievery, that stuff. I was nearly put into an asylum." They say this so casually and yet neither of the two seemed to have noticed the nonchalance of the statement, or the fact that it probably shouldn't have been said so level-headedly. I mean, murder isn't usually discussed so lightly.

This person is most likely a male as well, because a male and female probably wouldn't be put into a cell meant for two people. If it was one made for say, eight people (that is uncommon at this prison), then maybe they would put opposite genders in the same cell.

"Huh. I just realised that there are no bars." There goes any thought of squeezing through any bars to get out of the cell.

This is sure to be beginning of a strange friends with benefits relationship.

. . .

Several moments of awkward silence passed, only the sound of the plastic trays being pushed into their cell breaking the said silence. Night removed the glass of water from the tray that he was going for first, then pulled the food up to the top bed. It was their lunch, most likely.

As the other male retrieved their tray, Night unsuccessfully attempted to catch a glimpse of their face. All he could see was that they were a white-boned skeleton, several bands identical to the ones attached to Night were also on this skeleton. He was only able to see one at the moment. If there were more, and he wouldn't doubt it, then they were covered by the outfit that most inmates had to wear.

"How did you get caught?" Night inquired after he finished eating what he wanted from the tray. He leaned over the edge of the bed, his gaze meeting the other delinquent's for a brief moment. Night would have remained like that, staring at the other, only if they hadn't looked away first.

The heterochromatic skeleton looked up, squinting as if trying to recognise the goop-covered monster. Their pupils are crimson and white, eyelights slightly larger than pinpricks at the moment, for this skeleton does not feel very threatened in Night's presence, even with that aura. Night is not aware that the other feels this way, and if he were to know, he'd be unpleased. Their face is unblemished, with an exception of a jagged scar beneath their right eyesocket. Both the scar and pupil are crimson, which is bewildering to Night, just a tad. If it is a scar, then wouldn't it be some other colour? Is this recent? Night decides to not concentrate on that, though he plans to ask about it later.

Both skeletons allowed themself a moment to take in the other's appearance. The scar-faced one could only see Night's head, but that was enough to tell that his entire body was covered in that slimy gunk, and was surprised to see that none had fallen off of Night. Perhaps there was no need to ask for his name, because they could've sworn that they'd seen this monster's face before. "What happened to you-"

"I asked first." The enigmatic felon cut the other off querulously, wanting his own question to be answered properly.

"Alright, well, fine. You'll answer my questions then?"

"Yeah, I gu– wait, I only asked one question."

"But you already agreed."

Night grumbled a bit about it, but eventually complied under the condition that he could have the right to ignore whatever questions he doesn't wish to answer, and that Night could ask more questions if he wanted to.

"So, I was attempting to-"

The heterochromatic skeleton was interrupted by some clicking noise coming from outside of their cell. Both skeletons turned to face the door, and Night soon was peeking through the slot that food was supposed to come through. All he could see was the person's knees.

The slightly taller skeleton could now see Night's full body, and it was mostly exactly like how he had assumed. Except for those four tendrils hanging from his back. He squinted once again, this time at the braided appendages. A part of him wanted to touch it.

The door to their cell was slowly pushed open, causing Night to jump back and just barely land in his cellmate's arms. Really, if Night was just a little farther away, then he might've not been so lucky, and he probably would have hit his head on the concrete floor. The said cellmate dragged Night away from the door, then finally released him, seeing how Night was attempting to shove him away.

(This guy really needs a nickname, because these pronouns are going to get confusing at some point. Or he could just hurry up and tell Night his name.)

Anyways, the person was someone working at the prison, but they weren't wearing the uniform that the guards either of the two monsters had seen. They didn't even spare the two inmates a glance as they gathered the hardly touched trays of food, along with the cups. They then walked out of the cell, saying to the two skeletons that they were allowed out of the cell for a couple of hours. They'd left the door unlocked and cracked open, in case they would want to leave.

"This is the second period of free time, so I have to go to this program I was forced to be in. Something about my 'mental health' I think?" Night's potential friend sighed, then headed towards the door. "See ya" was the last thing he said before heading to whatever it is he had to be in.

Night decided he'd explore the prison, so he went to leave as well, only for a guard to stop him. The

"Hold your horses," they said mockingly. "You aren't allowed out without cuffs on."

Night groaned, reluctantly extending his arms. "Hurry up."


Words: 1615

eeh i feel like there are still some mistakes in here.

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