22. God's Gift

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Instead of waking up with the feeling of Rieka wrapped in his arms, like Jacob usually does, he woke up in an empty bed. He frowned to himself as he sat up, only to be greeted with Rieka walking out of the bathroom and into the bedroom with extra messy hair and a small smile on her face. "You alright?" Jacob asked, something wasn't right.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just had to use the bathroom" She assured him, walking over to their dresser to grab some clean clothes and underwear.

"Alright, I have to get going for morning rounds...take the day off" the Soldier hummed, still sensing that something was wrong with her, as he climbed out of bed and walked over to her.

"If you insist boss" the woman smiled up at him sweetly.

"You don't have to call me that anymore" he smiled back at her as he wrapped is arm around he waist and quickly kissed her. He then grabbed his clothes and got dressed before heading off to work.

Some time after Jacob drove off to the bunker, Rieka got into her own truck and drove to the cult compound. Once she got to Joseph's house she parked her truck and hopped out, he was already waiting outside the front door. "Rieka, my child, what to I owe the visit to?" Joseph asked as he pulled her into a hug.

"I have to talk to you about something" Rieka told him, glancing at her feet awkwardly.

"Come in Rieka, Faith is in the living room" The Father smiled as he led her into his house and closed the door behind them, he walked her into the living room and sat her down on the sofa beside Faith. He sat in the armchair opposite them. Faith gave Rieka a quick hug 'hello' before sitting back in her seat.

Faith was looking much better now. Her face was pretty much flawless once again, with the exception of a small scratch or two that hadn't fully healed yet. She was walking around like she wasn't even shot at all, the bliss probably helps with that.

"What do you need to talk to me about?" Joseph asked, concern clear in his eyes. Faith sensed Rieka's nervousness and moved so that she was sat right beside her and took one of Rieka's hands in to her own, resting it in her lap.

"It's just that...I don't even know...I could just be over reacting..." Rieka shook her head, beginning to feel silly for even showing up.

"What is on your mind?" he asked, pushing her. He lent forward, resting his elbows on his knees and folding his hands.

"I think...I'm not certain...but...It's possible that..." Rieka paused again, unable to get the words out.

"Rieka, we are your family. You can trust us with anything. What is upsetting you?" Faith asked, brushing Rieka's hair out of her face.

"It started about three weeks ago, I thought that it was just a stomach bug or something...but..." she hung her head, only whispering at this point.

"You're pregnant?" Joseph asked calmly and matter-of-factly, making Rieka's head shoot up to look at him.

"N-no! No. I-I...you aren't mad?" Rieka asked with tears brimming in her eyes. Faith smiled brightly as she wiped her tears.

"Rieka. Why on earth would I be mad?" Joseph asked as he stood from his chair and knelt in front of her, taking her hands in his.

"Because Jacob and I aren't married and this couldn't have happened at a worse time with the Deputy being around and all" Rieka rambled slightly, tears slowly falling down her cheeks.

"Rieka, you and Jacob love each other. Neither of you need marriage to prove that. Of course the timing and situation isn't ideal but it is God's plan. This life growing inside of you is God's gift to you and your gift to my brother. I am sure that you are both ready for this" Joseph assured her and Rieka found herself calming down. Joseph always had a way with words and is able to put people at ease so easily. "Have you told Jacob?" he asked.

"No...he's been busy with the Deputy and I'm not even certain so I thought that it would be best to wait" Rieka shook her head, wondering whether she should have told him before telling his brother and Faith. "Please don't tell him, not yet" she begged them.

"We won't tell anyone, not even Jacob or John. You can do that in your own time" Joseph smiled and wiped her tears.

"Thank you" she smiled and Faith wrapped a comforting arm around her. She rubbed Rieka's arm and smiled at her. "How do you think he will react?" Rieka asked Joseph, suddenly nervous again.

"He loves you more than anything, even if he never says it. I think that he will be overjoyed, completely proud of you Rieka" he assured her before standing up. "Would you like to join us for a cup of tea? I will start looking into doctors for you" he smiled.

"I would like that, thank you" Rieka smiled, she had stopped crying now and lent into Faith's hug.

Joseph left the room but soon returned with a tray with three cups of tea on it. He handed the drinks out before sitting back in his armchair. The three of them drank and talked about topics other than the possible pregnancy or the Deputy, it was a pleasant morning and early afternoon. They had almost forgot about the war taking place outside of their doors.

Rieka left the compound, making sure that she got home before Jacob did so that she could welcome him home in the way she usually did. When Jacob got home, without Pratt this time, Rieka leapt into his arms as usual but he put her down quicker than he usually does. He informed her that the Deputy was on the loose again, possibly for the final time.

Jacob was usually pretty good at separating his work from his home life, freeing that time to dedicate it to Rieka but this was different. The pair still sat together and ate, even read together like they normally do, and went to bed together. Embracing each other. But Jacob was more tense than usual, which didn't help Rieka who was already worrying about her own situation. Neither of them put much thought into the other's behaviour, assuming that it was just frustration because of the Deputy.

However, when Rieka heard Jacob whisper a quiet but meaningful "I love you" into her hair when he thought she was sleeping, she knew something was wrong. Of course she knew that he loved her but they very rarely confirm it verbally. The rare 'I love you's tend to be said when one of them gets hurt and the other was worried for them. They used the words to reassure the other that they are alright, that they are there and not going anywhere. The words came in times of distress, possibly even times of life or death.

Those words normally calmed the other, assured them that everything would be alright no matter what. In this case, they had Rieka worrying because she knew that Jacob was worried about something. Maybe even scared...

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