Chapter 14

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Author's Note: Long Chapter Ahead!!
(2401 words) 😀👍

The next day, you walked to school with the crew again. Chanwoo and Ara were chatting away together, but Jinhwan was on his phone texting someone. You were silent the entire way there. Jinhwan sometimes joined in on Chara's conversations, but he acted as if you weren't even there. You sighed and continued to walk to school glumly. Was the park really going to be a good idea?

~~time skip~~

At P.E, Sooyoung came up to you with a stupid smirk on her face.
"What do you want." You muttered.
"I called Jinhwan for thirty minutes yesterday." She said proudly. You clenched your fists and then crossed your arms.
"So?" You asked.
"No, I'm just saying." She said.
"If you were just going to justify the fact that you have no friends, why'd you even come up to me?" You asked.
"Aha, well, I'm actually pretty sure that I have more friends than you." She retorted.
"Yeah, well my friends aren't fake." You said. Her brows furrowed.
"They aren't fake!" She said.
"Ok fine, maybe you're fake instead of them. It makes sense, you know? You wear like a year's supply of makeup everyday in hopes of making Jinhwan notice you or whatever." You said.
"Do you wanna die?" She growled.
"I don't know, can you even kill me in the first place?" You asked. She groaned in frustration.

"Look, Sooyoung. You're so desperate that you try your hardest to make me jealous just because you want to feel better about yourself. Well guess what? I. Don't. Care. Do whatever you want, I'm not going to do anything about it. Half the school thinks you're a douche anyways." You said, making her shut up.
"Are you done? If you are, I'm leaving." You said as you walked towards Ara.
"Did she bother you again?" Ara asked.
"Yeah. It's cool though, I made her shut up." You said. Ara sighed.
"Oh yeah, by the way, Chanwoo also hates Sooyoung." You said.
"Really?? That's a good thing, right?" She asked. You shrugged.

You followed the usual schedule: Lap, warm-up, and then practice games. You did your best to avoid looking at Jinhwan. You were still thinking about Sooyoung. You said that you didn't care, but you obviously really did, it's the reason why you seem to depressed all the time. Jinhwan was getting closer to Sooyoung instead of you, and it was hard knowing that the person you liked had feelings for the person you hated. You actually started to compare yourself to Sooyoung at one point, and you felt ashamed of doing it. You never thought you would be someone to feel insecure about yourself, but you wanted to know what Sooyoung had that you didn't. When you locked eyes with Jinhwan for a mere moment, you looked away sadly and continued on whatever you were doing.

At lunch, you and Ara walked towards Jinhwan's office. For some reason, you're heart started to race and you slowly became more and more nervous. You stayed behind Ara and followed her as she opened the door, however, she halted to a stop, making you bump into her back.
"Ara, why'd you-" your mouth dropped. Jinhwan was at his desk waving to you, but Sooyoung was also there with him. What was she doing here? You thought coming here at lunch was a thing between you, Jinhwan, and Chanwoo. Your face heated up in anger. The jealousy began to overcome you again.
"Oh. Funny seeing you here." Ara said.
"Yeah? Well, what about you? What are you two doing here?" Sooyoung said annoyingly.
"We always come here."Ara said quickly before sitting down in a chair.
"Well this time, I decided that I wanted to spend time with him today." Sooyoung said as she gave you a smug look. You glared back at her.

"Spend time with me? I thought you said that you needed to ask me a question." Jinhwan said. You snickered. Her poor attempts at trying to get his attention were hilarious, but it annoyed you when you saw that she was purposely trying to make you jealous.
"I mean, well, yeah, that too, but I guess technically this is spending time with you, right?" Sooyoung asked.
"Mm....I wouldn't say it that way...." Jinhwan said. You and Ara looked at each other and held in your laughter.
"Oooh, rejected!" Ara said, making you gawk at her. Sooyoung glared and mouthed the word "b*tch" to you before turning to Jinhwan again.
"So.....when should we hang out? I was thinking after school today......" she started, catching your attention.
"Um, sorry, but I have somewhere to go to after school." he said. You let out a sigh of relief.
"Do you even want to hang out with me?" she asked. You closed your eyes. Please say no, please say no, please say no, please say no, please say no, please say-

Adrenaline Rush (iKon Fanfic) Jinhwan x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora