I for Insensitive

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"You. Are. Unbelievable."

I roll my eyes watching my friends shrink in their seats. Yes. I have that kind of power over them even though I'm a girl.

Oh, what am I even saying? It's because I'm a girl after all.

"We really are sorry, Kim, we didn't mean to..." Milton trails off knowing just as well as probably everyone in the restaurant that this excuse does not cool me off. Not even in the slightest bit.

"You didn't mean to just forget about me standing there in the pouring rain? What the heck?" I keep quiet though because I don't really want to cause a scene in the middle of a well-known restaurant. I have caused a scene just entering the restaurant in my soaked clothes. Mad. Like really, really mad. "I would be irritated if you actually meant to!"

Jack next to me tenses a little bit when I start getting a tad bit louder than I should get but oh well. To be honest, I wouldn't be that mad if it was just Jerry, Milton and Eddie forgetting about me in the rain because let's face it... they are in some way idiots (even though I love them most of the time). But Jack, my Jack forgot about me as well. And maybe it's the fact that I have a tiny crush on him, but he crushed my heart with that. Yes, pun intended.

I watch as Jack lays a hand on my arm to calm me down. Normally it would work but not tonight. Tonight, I really am mad.

"Don't touch me", I hiss. I see how the trio's eyes widen in shock while Jack just plainly stares at me, his hand lingering just an inch above my arm now. Well, here comes the regret, yippie! Slowly, he moves his hand away because he understands that I won't give in this time. He bites his lip and looks away but not fast enough, so I can see the hurt in his eyes. Inwardly, I sigh making a mental note to talk to him about this. But on the outside, I remain my cold face.

Yes. I can be a bitch, even towards my own best friends.

Jerry is the one breaking the silence again. "We were just really excited about tonight's events."

Oh yes, I remember. Today marks their friendship anniversary. I joined a bit later, so it does not mark mine. Great. It's still a touchy subject for me that I once was a member of the Black Dragons even though I do not connect with them on any level. I don't know what to say. I'm sitting there in a restaurant, my clothes and hair totally soaked. And mad.

I'm ruining their night. Maybe I should just go and talk to them tomorrow about it, they want to have fun tonight.

Now I sigh while having the boys watching me curiously. Giving a small smile, I stand up.

"You know what? I'll just go home and make myself comfortable there. Enjoy your night together, I'll see you tomorrow."

With that, I give one last smile - and I really, really mean it - and turn around, leaving the restaurant after just staying in there for five minutes.

Once I'm outside I realise that I have two options getting home: either walking all the way home or calling my parents. It still rains but I really don't care after being totally wet and I don't want to call my parents and have them asking me questions I'm not ready to answer.

So, I sigh and curse myself for getting me into this situation. I could easily be home and watch my favourite show. Just when I'm about to take my first step I hear the door open behind me and just then, I know who it is.

Only one person smells like this. I turn around and see Jack there, smiling softly at me.

"Should I take you home? It's still raining, and I don't think you need to get more wet than you are right now."

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