C for China

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Jack's POV

"Hurry up! We need to be at the dojo in a few", Kim said, dragging me – along with her bag – down the road. With us being neighbors and all, we agreed to walk together when we heard about the trip to China.

"I'm sorry", I repeated over and over again while having my thoughts at a whole other theme. I'd be going back to the place where my lovely (pleases note the sarcasm here) cousin went and broke my hand four years ago. Oh, and almost killed me, sorry for forgetting. I was eager to let this trip get to the best one, I've ever had. You know, there was a plus in this; Kim was there, too, and I wanted to spend so much time with her. Maybe I'd even get the chance to share a room with her. That would be so amazing.

You have to know that there is this little thing I decided to keep by myself... the fact, that I actually love her with my whole heart. When she got hurt, it'd hurt myself, when she laughed, I'd be happy whether I was the second before or not. She just made me happy with being there.

"Jack? You there? We almost reached the dojo", my beautiful best friend – how I hated calling her that... I'd love to have something more with her – interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just thinking about how awesome this trip would get", I cheered a bit and Kim laughed her silly laugh which just blows my mind every time, I hear it. I smiled widely at her. When she noticed, she blushed and stopped immediately.

"No, don't stop! Your laugh is just amazing! Silly, but amazing", I added with a loving smile which caused her to blush so much more than before.

"Thanks, but we should head inside. You know... we're already late. But before this-", she pulled me back and looked me in the eyes, "I want you to know that I'm being there for you. If you need me in China, just talk to me, got it?"

I nodded before hugging her, whispering in her ear: "Share a room with me?"

"I'd love to." I think, I just died right there in her arms when she whispered those beautiful words in her beautiful voice with her beautiful – and surely kissable – mouth... it took me all my willpower to not just slam my lips onto hers and make out with her, right there in the mall. I wanted to take her breath away, to keep her close to me, to just show her that I really and truly love her.

Now I felt my face heat up. And in that moment, Kim took her head away from my shoulder a bit only to look up at me. When she saw the blush, I could see a smirk form its way on her lovely, beautiful – stop it, Jack! – face. "What caused this blush? I mean, we're always hugging each other. Even when my dad is right there and you know how protective he is." She smirked at me and I immediately knew that this wouldn't be good for me.

"Um, you know- we- I- you- we-we should go inside before Rudy freaks out, ya know?", I tried to get out of my stuttering and felt my cheeks go warmer again. Hot was the only word which could describe my face now – and I didn't mean that in a good way like handsome. More like embarrassed.

"You're right. But you know where I'm right?" Kim looked up at me innocently and the only thing I could do was to sigh.


"That you definitely have a crush on me. A hard one." Before I felt my cheeks warm up, I smirked and wanted to say something like you know, that's not the only thing that is hard but she interrupted me.

"Don't." So I just kept it with a wink before entering the dojo. This would be a funny trip, that was for sure. And I'd make sure that I'd fight hard in this competition. For Kim.

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