Chapter Five: Sweet Home

Start from the beginning

     "What kind of programming is that? Of course, you can sit," said Tyler.

     "Is that a yes for the add-on?"

     "Yes. Keep it on. Is it not always on?"

     "I prioritize conversations and tasks based on my built-in factory settings or the added features. Both have their benefits."

     "Then, keep them both on."

     "All on?"

     "Yes. All on. Now, come. Sit. Watch TV. That's a command, right?"

     Aiden studied the spot on the couch, glanced up at Tyler, and smirk. "It is."

     Aiden sat down on the couch next to him. "There. That ain't so bad, isn't it?"

     "I don't think so. No."

     "Then, what would you like to watch? Trashy reality shows? Detective shows? Scifi? This sitcom?"

     "I have no preference at this moment. How about history?"

     Tyler raised an eyebrow. "That's one of my favorite channels."

     Aiden smiled. "I know."

     Before Tyler could change the channel, a loud knock on the door surprised him. Though as he started getting up, Aiden stopped him, sauntering over to the door instead. A fuming Mr. Abassi was on the other side.

     "Hello, Mr. Abassi. What can I do for you?" asked Tyler, innocently. He thought quite the opposite as he knew exactly why his landlord was on his doorstep.

     "Rent. Now." Mr. Abassi said. He eyed Aiden menacingly and scoffed. "You told me before you couldn't pay it due to low funds. Then, what is this fucking thing doing in your house? And don't lie to me. I already saw this bastard's code in my ModGlobe, and the funny thing is, your name is attached to it."

     Damn it. I should've thought of that. Tyler walked over by the door, tugging for Aiden to step behind him. Mr. Abassi wasn't too keen about androids. He thought it was an insult to his religion. "Well, what can I say, Mr. Abassi. I got pretty lucky last weekend. I won a voucher for a free android, and now he's here."

     "He? You call that he? Its a machine, idiot. And where would you get a voucher that pays for a 700 model? Damn thing could break a paycheck."

     Long story short, I got it, okay? And he's a he if I wanted him to be a he. It's damn confusing as it is. Now, I promised you I'd get the rent in two weeks. Didn't I say that?"

     Mr. Abassi crossed his arms as if the memory pained him. "Yeah. You did."

     "Then, what are you doing here at this hour? Its close to six. You closed your office hours already."

     Mr. Abassi's eyes wandered to Aiden. "Yeah, yeah. Get off my hide. I just wanted to check and see that thing. Shouldn't be here or else you go."

     Tyler laughed. "Per New York City law, Android owners are protected from eviction from biased causes, signed ten years ago."

     Mr. Abassi groaned and huffed, walking away in disgust. "Just keep that thing quiet, or else there'll be a fine!"

     Tyler closed the door, but he could still hear Mr. Abassi's curses. Tyler turned to Aiden. "So, that was Mr. Abassi. The landlord."

     "I've figured."

     "We don't get along very well, but hey, I keep my end of the bargain all the time while he doesn't. He hasn't fixed the lock on my balcony door, and I reported that two months ago," said Tyler, shaking his head. He walked back to the living room and plopped down on the couch, turning his attention back to the TV.

     The TV screen all of a sudden switched to the History channel, and a soothing old man's voice started talking about Shakespeare out of the speakers. Surprised, Tyler glanced at Aiden, who was smiling. "You did say you like History channel." On the android's hand was a can of soda. Aiden strode toward the coffee table and placed the drink on top of a coaster, then sat on the couch next to Tyler.

     "Thanks," said Tyler, grabbing the can of soda and took a swig. They finished an episode about the Elizabethan era, and Aiden didn't make a sound. Sometimes, Tyler would steal glances at Aiden to observe him, though, Aiden's eyes remained fixated at the tv. Tyler couldn't tell if the android was processing, even yet, understanding what he was seeing.

     "Is it very uncommon for an android to be called he?" asked Aiden, breaking their silence.

     "It's not common, yes. Words can sometimes be powerful, and it lets you believe in things. Like if I started calling something an object Todd, I'll grow attached to that object."

     Aiden tilted its head again, curious. "Are you saying you will grow attached to me?"

     Tyler laughed loudly tried to stop the blood from rushing up to his cheeks again now that Aiden's observant of that kind of things. "Well, you are going to live under my roof, so, yes, in the future, I'll have to get used to you, and you'll get used to me."

     Tyler's answer seemed to satisfy the android as it sat back and regarded his attention to the TV.

     "I think I like it," mumbled Aiden.

     "Like what?"

     "To be addressed as he. It sounds logical, I guess? Your specifications call for me to be a male android. A human cis-male is a he. Then, I am he."

     Tyler smiled. So far, AD-Class 700s has been blowing him away every minute he spent time with them. Aiden was no exception. He was indeed a wonder of technological innovation.

     As night deepened, Aiden served Tyler a light dinner. Tyler asked for a sandwich, and Aiden pulled out dozens of recipes to make one from the simplest to the most intricate. In the end, Tyler asked for the most basic one with meat on it and Aiden served him a warm turkey sandwich with cheddar cheese. Tyler had a limited selection of ingredients in his kitchen, which Aiden noted an overdue grocery run in the future.

     Aiden tucked Tyler to bed. It was weird to be tucked in by an android, feeling like Tyler's mother was doing it. Aiden was efficient at bedtime. He parted the curtains closed, cleaned the end tables from clutter, set the alarm to Tyler's desired time, and hanged his day clothes for tomorrow by his closet door, all without leaving the comfort of his bed.

     "Would you like me to stay in the room, Tyler?" asked Aiden after he finished his task.

     Tyler paused. Even though Aiden was very welcoming and a good android that surpassed his expectations, it was still odd to be watched by an android while he slept. 


     "That won't be necessary, Aiden. You can stay in the living room. Maybe you'll find something to do."

     Tyler thought he saw it, but he couldn't know for sure. It was dark inside his bedroom with only the lights from the living room streaming in. But he thought he saw Aiden's smile dropped. "As you wish, Tyler. Good night. Sleep well."

     "Thank you, Aiden. Good night."

     Aiden closed the door, bathing his room in total darkness. It didn't take long for Tyler to fall asleep.

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