Chapter Seventeen

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The weeks seemed to crawl by. Their first scan was an emotional time as Cassie pointed out features of the baby. Each day and each week created a new emotion for Sapphire. In place of her morning sickness, she got hot flushes a lot and headaches but the backache was the worst, especially with the amount of classwork she had to get through. Thankfully the school hired on a teaching assistant called Jacob Evans. Jacob was twenty-two and eager to help. He proved extremely helpful in the classroom and eager to do more than he needed. There was also Robert who helped when he could. The three of them would usually sit in the year two or year one classroom and work through paperwork together while blasting tunes on the radio.

Sammie was also working hard. She put in so much overtime and nighttime shifts. She got a promotion to department manager which mean a slightly higher wage, fewer shifts and more paperwork. It was nice to just sit in the living room and chat over writing their notes and documents.

In between work was the appointments. Sapphire's second trimester brought more appointments with the midwife, fewer appointments with Alice (although she did still see her several times) and also more mother to-be classes which Sapphire agreed to do the mother yoga and the breathing classes booked for her third trimester. The number of tests was ridiculous, needles left, right and centre but Sapphire was always relieved to hear her baby and herself was still doing good. Sammie was also always relieved but more cautious about Sapphire, ensuring she was eating well and sleeping enough (which was hard with the backache).

She was in week twenty-three and mooning over the weight gain but happy to see her bump developing. Sammie had cried when she saw (Sapphire had also shed a tear or two... or more). Sammie, therefore, took her out. It wasn't hard to decide they wanted a day out, somewhere tranquil and peaceful. So a spa seemed a good place. Sapphire was a little put out over the number of things she couldn't have but Sammie was a good sport, only choosing the activities which they could both do. After their massages and face masks, they went to the swimming pool. It was so soothing to just relax. A few people were swimming gentle lengths but there was no children splashing about, no screaming or shouting. Just gentle chatter, an occasional laugh. Sapphire and Sammie were side by side in the pool in the mid-end of the pool, elbows up on the ledge and talking when it happened. Sapphire gasped and put her hand on her belly.

"What's wrong?" Sammie asked, her voice sharp in her panic as she eyed up Sapphire looking in confusion and shock at her bump.

"Give me your hand," Sapphire said. Sapphire took Sammie's hand and placed it on the bump as it happened again. A very deliberate kick. Sammie gasped.

"Oh my God. Doesn't that hurt?"

"A little bit, it's more... weird... and different." Sapphire answered in a whisper as tears streamed down her face.

"We're having a frigging baby and this made it a hell of a lot real," Sammie said, also in a whisper.

"I know," Sapphire mumbled. They were there for a little while until the kicks stopped for a bit. They then did a gentle breaststroke across the pool a few times then went back to the ledge to chill again.

"I love you," Sammie said, staring at Sapphire in awe.

"I love you too," Sapphire said back, smiling.

"No, I really love you."

"I really love you too... What's this in aid of?" Sammie hesitated before answering.

"Marry me." Sapphire's heart seemed to stop beating.

"What?" She asked in a whisper.

"Marry me," Sammie said again, a smile spreading across her face.

"I thought we didn't like marriage?" Sapphire asked, unable to think straight.

"I thought I didn't... But this... You..." Sammie stroked Sapphire's face with a free hand. "I lost you once. I won't do it again. And this is truly where I want to be. I didn't know what the future had for us a year ago. A year ago or more now... I would never have guessed we would be where we are. You have changed everything for me. Who I was, who I am today... None of that would be possible without you. And I'm amazed at who you are too. We're becoming parents, maybe I'm not technically legally but you are mine and I want you today and tomorrow and forever. And our baby. This is what I want. So marry me. Marry me and we can truly have our forever."

Sapphire was dumbstruck by this speech. Sammie was not one for feelings, she was definitely not one for marriage but Sapphire could tell that Sammie meant every word of what she had said.

"Are you sure you're not just saying this because of the baby and the emotion overload?"

"I'm sure, Saffie. Marry me." Sapphire took Sammie's hand and looked her straight in the eye.

"Sammie... My life has changed in many ways before and after I met you. You and I... We've gone through it all. I didn't know life could be like this and I too had never dreamt that this would all happen. You are an amazing person and I lost you too, one of the biggest mistakes of my life. But in my opinion, it made us stronger. Loving you has been the highlight of my life and you have always been there for me. So my answer is yes... Yes, I will marry you." Sammie's eyes widened and she laughed, a noise that broke the peaceful tranquillity of the room but a laugh that made Sapphire's heart light up. Sammie pulled Sapphire in for a one-armed hug. Sapphire hugged her back, her heart ready to burst. It burst just a bit more when as she was hugging Sammie, their baby kicked again.

After a few more lengths, they got dressed and drove back home. It seemed like normality was back again, even with all the moisturised skin and nice smells. Sapphire took off her coat and stood in the living room, looking out the window. She heard footsteps and turned. Sammie had dropped to one knee behind her and had a ring box in her hand. Sapphire smiled.

"Haven't we already done this?"

"We need to make it official," Sam said, opening up the box to reveal a gold band with one blue gem in the centre of a ring of small diamonds. Sapphire approached Sammie until she was stood right in front of Sam. Sam smiled. "Marry me."

"I will." Sam took out the ring, dropped the box and stood up. She placed the ring on Sapphire's finger, kissed her hand and then her lips.

 "Thank you."

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