Chapter One

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They fell back against the pillows. They were both sweaty, slightly out of breath and still shaking from aftershocks of a blissful orgasm. Sapphire Greene closed her eyes, trying to slow her racing heartbeat and fast breaths. Her girlfriend Sam Woods reached over the end of the bed and picked up a black t-shirt. She put it on and continued to dress back up again in black jogging bottoms, not bothering with underwear or bra. She could get away with not wearing a bra, her boobs were not that big maybe an a cup at most. Sapphire opened her eyes again to see Sam relax once more against the pillows.

"Do you want your clothes?" Sam asked. Sapphire shook her head, running a hand through her slightly sweaty, thick blonde hair. Sam took up a pre-rolled joint from the bedside cabinet.

"You know you're not allowed to smoke in here," Sapphire told her girlfriend, rolling her dark blue eyes. Sam shrugged cheerfully.

"Never mind." She lit the end and inhaled deeply.

Sam Woods was of average height, only a little bit taller than Sapphire. Sam had short black hair which was currently messy but tidied up a bit, it would all part to the right side, leaving the left side seen as cleanly shaved off. She had a blue spike through her left earlobe and a single small diamond in the right earlobe. She had two tattoos currently with plans to extend. Three diamonds in a slight diagonal line behind her left ear and a Celtic tattoo design on her right bicep. Sapphire looked at Sam and felt so in love.

Sapphire, on the other hand, was as girly as it was possible to get. She had thick blonde hair that waved down past her shoulders. The pair seemed complete opposites but they loved each other. They had been dating for three years now.

Sam blinked sleepily and opened her left arm outwards. Sapphire shuffled closer to be wrapped up in Sam's love. The smell of cannabis was thick in the air but Sapphire was almost used to it by now.

"Do you want a drag?" Sam said, offering the joint which was now halfway down to the filter.


"Suit yourself." There was a small silence as Sapphire wondered how to broach the subject and Sam continued to smoke. However, Sam felt Sapphire tense up a bit and she frowned down at her.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing much... I've just been thinking a lot." Sam shifted Sapphire a bit so she could see her face.

"That's never good when it comes to you. What are you thinking about?"

"Well... I'm twenty-two now... And you're twenty-three this year."


"And we've been together a little while right?"

"Oh God where is this going?" Sam muttered as she flicked the ash into the ashtray beside the bed. Sapphire swallowed nervously.

"Well... I... All our friends are having kids or already have them. I just.. I was wondering... When will it be our turn?" Sam frowned.

"We're discussing kids? Isn't it supposed to go marriage first?"

"Maybe but... You know I've always wanted a baby... And you said when we first got started dating that you weren't the marrying type."

"Well... I'm not. But a baby? That's a big commitment.. Especially after just having sex. Can we maybe discuss it tomorrow?" Sapphire's heart sank a little bit. She thought Sam would not be happy about the topic and she had been right. Avoiding the subject was not a good sign.

"Maybe I will have the rest of that joint," Sapphire muttered. Sam did that cute half-smile where one side of her lips tugged upwards as she passed over the joint. Sapphire took a deep drag. Sam watched with some form of slight amusement and awe as Sapphire inhaled the rest of the joint. As Sapphire's vision turned funny and her world took on a slower, slightly brighter tinge, her fag hand drooped toward the bedcovers. Sam quickly grabbed the joint and put it out on the ashtray. She chuckled softly to herself as Sapphire fell asleep.

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