Chapter Ten

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Things happened very quickly. Sapphire was still spotting a bit but she kept the test as proof and booked in to see the nurse at the clinic to double check the results. They agreed to see her the next day so it was another trip down there. The nurse did a urine test and an ultrasound and the pair waited in Dr Cooper's office. Dr Cooper walked in thoughtfully. He sat down behind the desk.

"Your test isn't positive, Sapphire."

"What?" Sapphire's heart dropped to her feet. Sammie looked just as crestfallen.

"I don't understand, the test was positive."

"That does happen sometimes. The hormone drugs can give a false test."

"So I'm not pregnant." Sapphire fell back in the chair.

"No. I'm so sorry... We offer counselling and of course, you can always do another course of IVF. You will need time."

"I'm not going through that again." Trembling, Sapphire stood up and pulled Sammie up too.

"Sapphire, please, just wait one moment so we can discuss what to do next."

"No. I'm done. Thank you for your time." Sapphire pulled Sammie out of the clinic and to the car.


"No. I don't want to know." Sapphire flung herself into the driver's seat and started the engine before Sammie had even got in. Sapphire drove off quite quickly back to the house. Sammie stayed completely quiet, wordless. Sapphire parked the car and went straight into the flat without waiting for Sammie. Sammie hurried down the path after Sapphire. As Sapphire was speed walking to their bedroom, Sammie finally caught up and grabbed Sapphire by the wrist.

"Get off!" Sapphire shouted.

"No! We need to talk about this." Sammie's eyes were filled with pity and sympathy which Sapphire did not want to see.

"Just leave me alone, Sam."

"No. We need to talk."

"I don't WANT to talk. FUCK OFF." Sapphire twisted her wrist out of Sammie's grasp and walked away. Sammie watched her go and the door was slammed in her face.

Sapphire was not in their bedroom for long. When she left the room, Sammie was on the couch with her head in her hands. She looked up to take in Sapphire. Sapphire was wearing a black figure-hugging minidress with black high heeled ankle boots. She had clearly been crying but had a bunch of make-up on.

"What are you doing?" Sammie asked in a flat voice.

"Going out."

"It's the middle of the day, Sapphire."

"Yes well, if I stay in here, I'll go crazy or cry. I've had it. I need to get out."

"Where are you going?"

"Anywhere but here." And Sapphire left. Sammie heard the car purr into life and drive away. Sammie swallowed nervously. She was scared about what Sapphire would do. What if she was so busy thinking or crying that she crashed? Or sped drive? Or ran away? The thoughts stung her like wasps. Or maybe angry hornets... It made her feel awful. Sammie tried to keep busy by cleaning and tidying things that were already neat. This only kept her hands busy so she put on the T.V loud for background noise. This still didn't help. By the time it was nine, she gave up and called Sapphire but only got her voice mail. She kept trying every thirty minutes but after an hour, she was calling every ten minutes. Glancing at the clock, wishing and praying and hoping she would be okay and come home.

At two in the morning, Sapphire stumbled in. Sammie dashed to her, flipping on lights as she did. She had been sitting in the dark on the sofa for too long so her vision went a bit blurry but she clearly saw Sapphire. She was bruised up, limping and her dress all crumpled, her hair rumpled, her boots dirtied.

"Sapphire? What the hell?!" Sammie could feel angry but concerned now Sapphire was back but Sapphire didn't take much notice. She took in Sammie's face and her face crumpled.

"Oh, Sammie... I'm so sorry..."

"You're home now..." Sammie felt slightly awkward as she helped Sapphire into the living room and onto the sofa. She unzipped Sapphire's boots and placed them neatly on the floor. Sapphire was still sobbing.

"I'm sorry... Sorry... So sorry..." Sapphire was whispering, tears still in full flow.

"Why are you sorry?" Sammie asked, absent-mindedly as she collected a damp flannel and scrubbed at the dirt surrounding Sapphire's legs.

"I had sex with someone." Sammie dropped the cloth and backed up. Her heart seemed to stop beating. Her eyes were locked on Sapphire as she continued to back up until her back touched the wall.

"You did what?" She whispered as her stomach turned.

 "I had sex with a guy... I'm so sorry..." Sapphire said, placing her head in her hands. Sammie's stomach turned, acid hit her throat and she threw up over their carpet.

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