Chapter Nine

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It was agonizing to wait for a phone call and Sapphire found herself chewing her nails from day one so she visited her family and tried to keep busy. She got a call on the third day, just as she was losing hope. Her family watched her curiously as she got up and left the room to answer the call. Her family didn't know what she and Sammie had been trying to do in conceiving a child, wanting to keep it secret until it came true.


"Sapphire Greene?"


"This is Dr Cooper at the fertility clinic, I would like to let you know that your eggs have fertilised successfully and we would like you to come by in three days if you are willing?"

"Absolutely." Sapphire had to refrain from screaming in joy as she noted down the time and date, thanked the doctor and ended the call. She did allow herself a little squeal before calming down again and rejoining her family as if nothing happened. She almost broke the law by not keeping track of her speed as she rushed to pick up Sammie and tell her the good news. She got there without a Police chase or a car crash and Sammie got in the car, leaning against the seat with her exhaustion but even Sammie couldn't ignore Sapphire's excitement.

"What's gone on?" Sammie asked as Sapphire drove the car back to the house (a bit more slowly this time).

"I got a phone call." Sammie frowned, perking up as she sat straighter in her seat.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yep. They want me in three days for insertation."

"Really? That's such great news, baby!" Sammie had really perked up now and reached over to squeeze her leg. Once Sapphire had parked the car and they both got into the flat, Sammie and Sapphire had a cuddle on the sofa.

Sammie got the day off yet again. They went to the clinic at ten in the morning. The clinic was empty aside from them and a couple filling in their forms. The doctor took Sapphire and Sammie into his office first. He shook their hands eagerly.

"We had some good and bad news. The good news was all five were tried but only two fertilised. We would like to implant both two. We are quite positive about this but it is important to not get your hopes up."

"We will definitely try," Sammie promised.

Doctor Cooper took them to the same room as before and left them with Mandy and Sarah again. The procedure was the same as before. More sedation and an hour in the recovery room again.

"How are you, Sapphire?" Mandy asked, an hour later.

"I'm fine, drowsy again," Sapphire replied.

"It's perfectly normal. I can let you go home now. The same rules apply as before. Also take it easy for two weeks, try and avoid stress. No need to worry about sleeping or going to the toilet as normal, it won't affect the implantation. Don't worry about bleeding, it's normal. However, a period may occur if it has failed after a certain amount of time. Don't do a pregnancy test for at least two weeks and you can come back at any time for counselling, a more accurate pregnancy test or for another course of IVF." The nurse gave them a pamphlet about counselling and they left.

Two weeks was marked off on the calendar. Sapphire tried to see friends, plan days out with Sammie and with family. She refrained from using the pregnancy test but her heart was pounding every day from the second she got up to the minute she was asleep. Two weeks went by slowly but when they did, the first thing she did when she got up was to take the pregnancy test. It was a Saturday so Sammie had the day off. They both waited in anticipation while the test loaded up. It was the most expensive test they could find in the shops and it gave an accurate reading. Sammie held the test while Sapphire paced the living room. Suddenly Sammie glanced down and jumped up.

 "Pregnant... You're pregnant! Oh my God!" Sapphire had to see it for herself as her heart skipped a beat. Sapphire hugged Sammie tightly and both were squealing and jumping up and down in delight. Tears of delight streamed down Sapphire's face. She finally felt as if everything had been worth it.

Child (Ish) DreamsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora