Chapter Five

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Sapphire left the school at four and got straight in the car. She had agreed to pick up Sammie from the factory and to go straight to the clinic. Sammie was already waiting for her when she parked up so they were quick to get to the clinic, ten minutes early.

"Let's get this baby sorted out," Sam said, taking Sapphire's hand again and squeezing it gently. Sapphire nodded and they walked into the clinic. The receptionist was the same one and she welcomed them back, asking if they wanted a drink. They both refused and went to wait for their names to be called. Other people around them were called. Sapphire could not remove her eyes off one girl who looked exceptionally sad. She had been crying but was not any longer. She was just staring into space. Sapphire's heart melted with sympathy. She wondered where the girl's family was because she could not have been any older than herself.

"Sapphire Greene and Sam Woods?" At the sound of their names being called, Sapphire's heart leapt into her throat. She absolutely hated needles and it was going to be worse seeing as they would be in separate rooms. They followed the nurse down the corridor and to two doors on the left. Sammie was shown in one and Sapphire in another.

"Good luck, baby," Sammie said, kissing her cheek. Sapphire took a deep breath and went into the nurse's room which was like any nurse's room anywhere.

"Okay, can you take off all your clothing but underwear and we'll get started." The nurse instructed. Sapphire obeyed, feeling a bit low on body confidence when it came to just two items of clothing.

"Step on the scales." Sapphire had her weight recorded, her height and was then allowed to put on a shirt but had to take off her underwear so they could take swabs and examine down below. She lay on the bed and closed her eyes, thanking God she had a shower that morning and had tidied herself up a bit. The nurse did her business and allowed Sapphire to put back on the rest of her clothes. She did so and rolled up her shirt sleeve before taking a seat back down on the bed again.

The nurse chatted about the tests they were planning on running (probably trying to distract her) while she fitted a tourniquet and tapped on the crease of her arm. Sapphire's stomach was twisting and her heart was pounding, she hated needles! The needle went on and Sapphire winced.

"How much do you need?" She gasped.

"A bit. Have you got any plans for the holidays? I and my partner were planning on going to Disneyland with our son."

"You have a son?" Sapphire's vision was going weird as she gasped and her ears felt stuffed with cotton wool.

"Yeah, he's five and he's called Harry." She said something else but Sapphire couldn't hear anything. She felt so hot.

"All done. You can sit up when you're ready but take it easy." The nurse taped a plaster to the wound. Sapphire almost gagged as she felt like she could smell the blood. The nurse eyed up as she stood up.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'll be fine." She gasped.

"Your results will come through in at least a week, at most a month. We'll ring you then and book an appointment." The nurse smiled and Sapphire mumbled thanks before grabbing the rest of her stuff and leaving to go stand outside. Sammie was in the waiting room, munching on something. She stood up and said something when she saw Sapphire who was still trying to make her way to the outside and the fresh air. She collapsed before she could make it, much to the panic around her. She blacked out before she hit the floor.

She woke up with a flannel on her head, back on the hospital bed. She felt before she saw and she knew what this meant.

"Not again..." She groaned, scrunching her eyes up tight.

"Sapphire?" Sammie's voice came from somewhere to the left and she heard a few footsteps.

"Sam, please... Not again..."

"Sapphire, you're okay. You just fainted. You're alright now. Can you open your eyes, my lovely?" Sapphire opened her eyes, curious to know who else was in the room. The nurse was the one who had spoken. Sapphire's stomach was turning and she felt so weak but embarrassed most of all.

"Oh God, I feel awful," Sapphire said. The nurse handed over a plastic cup. Sapphire took it with trembly hands. She realised her body was at an awkward angle. Her feet had been propped up using the bed's mechanism and she was lying down. She presumed she was facing the wrong upon the nurse's bed because she was certain that no bed had a mechanism for the feet, only for the upper parts of the body.

She had to struggle up a bit for the tea. It was extremely sugary but she drank it all, feeling shaky and knowing she needed it. Sammie was stood beside her, completely pale.

"I didn't know you would pass out. I thought you would be alright." She looked awkward as she spoke. Sapphire moved her hand to touch Sammie's leg, the only part she could really reach.

"It's alright. It's not the first time."

"Did you have food today?" The nurse checked.

"Yeah, I did... Guess I should have brought a Mars bar with me for sugar though."

"Maybe next time." The nurse suggested, smiling.

"Next time?" Sapphire gasped, her stomach flipping over.

"Well, of course, you have to do blood tests when you're pregnant."

"I think I've changed my mind about this IVF." Sammie laughed.

"It's supposed to be worth it so I've heard." She winked as she spoke. Sapphire grimaced and took a deep breath.

"How do you feel now?"

"A bit better."

"Good." The nurse adjusted the bed so it was completely straight again. Sapphire moved her legs to the end of the bed and carefully stood up, using Sammie for support.

"Take it easy and maybe don't drive." The nurse suggested. Sapphire put the damp flannel on the nurse's desk as Sammie thanked her. They left the room together. Sammie helped Sapphire into the passenger side of the car and took the driver's side.

"Do you mind if we have the windows down?" Sapphire asked.

"Of course not." Sapphire flicked down her window and kept her face turned to the breeze. It felt so good on her sweaty face.

"You look so pale," Sammie said, anxiously.

"So did you," Sapphire muttered, closing her eyes.

"Will I have to carry you out of the car?"

"Definitely not." Sammie laughed softly but Sapphire was already asleep. The fainting fit had completely drained her of energy. Sammie chuckled softly to herself as they drove home. She made one quick stop then continued on home. Once she had parked the car, she took the bags from her one quick stop and placed the straps over her arms. She then walked round to the passenger side, unbuckled Sapphire and scooped her up. Sammie prided herself on her strength especially with a girl as light as Sapphire. It was almost too easy to take up the drive and into the flat which thankfully was on the bottom floor. Sammie placed Sapphire on the sofa and left to sort out the bags.

Sapphire woke up ten minutes later, the smell of food strong.

"Is it already dinner?" She muttered when she heard Sammie's footsteps.

"Yep. Sit up." Sapphire sat up and Sammie placed a plate on Sapphire's lap then sat beside her and turned on the T.V. Sapphire examined the food and laughed.

"McDonald's? What happened to the diet?"

 "Screw your diet. You passed out, you need junk." Sapphire smiled at Sammie's firm tone. She definitely wasn't going to argue with that logic. They both tucked in.

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