Chapter Seven

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Sapphire's two weeks seemed to flash by. She had a fancy meal with Sammie to celebrate a promotion. She and Mary busied with the kids to prepare and start examinations such as reading, writing, spelling and mathematics tests. This meant taking every child aside for individual testing which took several days. Plus Sapphire was part of the plans to celebrate Mary's years at the school which would result in another fancy meal. Not to mention Sapphire's stabbings every night time with Sammie, something of a very painful and uneasy process. No matter how many times she was hurt, she could not get used to the pain. After the two weeks, she had another blood test (they prepared for her fainting this time around) and her scans. She would wait a week for the results of that to come back. During this time, the children at the school spent their last day showering Mary with love. Sapphire had bought a notebook for the children to give her. Within the notebook was loving messages and drawings. Mary cried as she flipped through it and then gave the children each a toy of either a Hot Wheels car or a My Little Pony. Even Sapphire got presents. Some of the children got her chocolates, bath sets and cards of thanks. Sapphire, in return, gave all the children a pencil each with a special design on it such as footballs, flowers, fruits or clouds. At the end of the day, Mary and Sapphire had two hours to sort out the classroom for the next year and for six weeks summer holiday. They took down old designs and work from off the walls and dealing through old utensils such as stiff paintbrushes and nasty old glue. The work took an hour and a half with the class stripped down, tidied and pretty much empty. Sapphire then locked herself into a cubicle and dressed out of her smart trousers and purple polo shirt and into a smart v-necked jumpsuit with white top and black bottoms, with a black belt to add to detail. She walked out of the toilet cubicle, splashed on some minimal make-up and joined Mary in the classroom. Sapphire would follow Mary in her car to the restaurant. As a result, the pair of them set off together. The restaurant was an Italian place, quite fancy. They had been forced to book a while in advance as it was a place in high demand.

They were not the first to arrive and Mary was quickly enveloped in hugs and squeals and chatter. Sapphire made a beeline for Kate and they went to the bar.

"What drink would you like? It's on me." Kate said as she ordered herself a gin and tonic.

"Just a Coke for me but I can't let you pay, Kate." Sapphire had already taken out her purse. Kate waved her purse away.

"Don't be silly. This is a celebration for you just as much as Mary! You've got a promotion very quickly, this is a great achievement." Although Sapphire protested, Kate ignored her and still paid for her drink. Sapphire quickly got involved with the chatter as they all took their seats around the huge rectangular table. It was covered with a white lacy cloth and pink candles plus rose petals. Someone on the staff had also put 'Good Luck' balloons as a centrepiece, held down by small gold weights. Sapphire herself squashed between Kate and the gym teacher, Scott Edwards. Scott was not a chatty man but made small talk as they waited for their starters, sharing plates of wedges, garlic bread, olives and garlic mushrooms. Sapphire helped herself to a couple of olives while the staff watched Mary open gifts. She got round to Kate's first, a new crystal vase for flowers. Mary called out thanks and Kate smiled, waving her hand in acknowledgement. Sapphire's gift was opened as the starters were cleared away and the mains were handed out. Sapphire had given Mary a bottle of wine and Mary thanked Sapphire over the table. Sapphire smiled and nodded.

The present wrapping was put on hold as the main meals were eaten. Sapphire had got a plate of spaghetti carbonara. Kate had lasagne. Scott had a pineapple pizza. The chatter continued through the clatter of forks against plates and people chewing. Dessert was not agreed on, instead, they had more drinks and made speeches. This included the headmaster. Finally, Mary stood up. Some of the staff was a bit drunk now at this point but Mary seemed fairly steady.

"I have worked amongst you all for many years now and I am proud to have been part of such a big family, one that was forever changing and continues to do so by expanding. My main goal in this role was to teach the children compassion, empathy, love and care. I believe I succeeded in this and hope to continue to do so in my next school," She called thanks to various staff members and then raised her glass as a toast. "Thank you for the best few years and good luck for all of you." Sapphire raised her glass of Coke as did the other staff members. They all did cheers and clinked glasses.

Slowly staff members peeled away. The headmaster was one of the first to go, probably not wanting to be surrounded by drunks. Sapphire left after Kate did and said her best wishes to Mary. The pair hugged and Sapphire left the restaurant.

She drove home where Sammie was. She was pacing and holding her mobile in her hand.

"Sapphire! Finally!"

"Sorry, is everything okay?" She asked as she piled all of her belongings onto the sofa.

"Yes... Well... We have news. The results are in. We see them tomorrow in the morning."

"What?! So soon?" Sapphire stopped frozen.

"Yep. At ten. I've got time off work for the morning anyway but having to pay it back Sunday so we can go together." Sapphire nodded and hugged Sammie. Sammie hugged her back, holding her tight.

"Fingers crossed this is it."

 "I really hope so." Sapphire whispered.

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