"A deal can be made to grant you power and to destroy the starscoruge inside the infected." One of the Kings spoke.

"Yes! Yes give it to me!" Noct reached out.

"But it comes with a price. A price of blood and soul. A life. Your own life." Another king spoke from behind Noct.
He spun on his heel.

"My...life?" Noct lowered his hand. Flashing images of his friends appeared before him.


Noct thought about Ardyn and the weakness of the group.

"I will take the deal." A tear ran down his cheek.

"You must remain alive and be the one that slays Ardyn. If you are killed by Ardyn or the army... the power will not be used. Do you agree to take the deal?" The kings confirmed their deal.

"I confirm!" Noct shouted out.

A bright light flashed in front of his eyes and he snapped back into reality. He awoke to see everyone staring at him, Cor too.

"Cor?" Noct reached out to him.

"Noct!" Cor embraced him as the friends were reunited.

"You scared us!" Prompto joined the embrace. Gladio and Iggy eventually joined too.

They all pulled away and sat back down.

"What happened to you." Cor looked at Noct.

"I spoke to the Kings. They granted me power to kill Ardyn."

"They did? That easily?" Iggy became suspicious.

Noct hesitated.
"No... it came with a price."

"A price?" Gladio stared at him.

Prompto had already caught on.
"No...no, no... No!"

"No... you don't mean your life?" Cor noticed Prompto's reaction.

"It is all I could've done." Noct saddened.

"No! I'm not letting you! I will do the sacrifice!." Prompto stood up.

"And how would that be possible, Prompto?" Cor stood up too, arguing.

"I can control them! I can control them all!" Prompto slammed his fist against the table.

"Bullshit!" Cor contrasted. He became heated.

"What do you mean?! I thought you were on my side?" Prompto screamed.

"I am! But making impossible claims to save your friend isn't going to work! Noct was destined to make a sacrifice for the greater good!"

"Not if there's another way!" Prompto spat. He was very angry by now.

"He's telling the truth." Noct looked up at Cor.

"What?.." Cor stumbled back a little.

"I can't believe you chose not to believe me. It goes to show who's the weaker one in this room and it's always got to be me!" Prompto tried to leave the booth but he was in the corner and Noct was in his way next to him.

"If you want to get some fresh air go..." Noct stood up out of his chair. Everyone was shocked to see him standing after his accident.
Noct then realised what he was doing.

"You're standing up!" Iggy ran over to him.

"Any pain?" Gladio was amazed.

"No... nothing... the Kings must have healed me." A little more hope was returned in Noct.

Prompto patted Noct's shoulder as he walked passed, happy for him, but angered at Cor. He stormed out the diner and slammed the door. He sat up against a nearby wall throwing rocks.

"He's not really able to do that is he...?" Cor was still doubtful.

"Yes. He really can do it." Noct spoke.

"He saved my life doing it." Iggy pointed at his facial bruises.

"Oh.. I'm sorry. Is there any proof I can see? It's just that I'm still sceptical... I can believe this kind of thing actually exists." Cor scratched his head.

"Lately it's only been rare... usually happens when he's angry or sad." Noct looked out the window.

"You made him pretty angry." Gladio watched Prompto.

Cor sighed and sat down, but was startled by noises coming from the kitchen.

"What's that?." He shot back up walking slowly towards the source.

An MT came around the corner, Cor naturally went to attack but Gladio gripped his arm.

"No! Wait and watch!" Gladio pulled him back.
Cor lowered his weapon.

The MT had different coloured eyes and did not attack the group. It's arms were flailing around as if it was throwing something. Noct looked at the bot and then back at Prompto.

"Hey guys..." Noct noticed something.

They looked out the window to what Prompto was doing. The bot was mimicking Prompto's exact moves.

"Well I'll be damned." Cor was in disbelief. He collapsed back into the chair.

Iggy smiled at Cor as he knew that he know understood.

"I'll go get Prompto." Iggy walked to the door and called for him.

Prompto slowly walked back, kicking the stones and gravel on the floor, the MT did the same. The boy walked inside and stared at the bot.

"Did I do that?..." He approached it.

"It's copying your moves." Noct walked next to the boy.

"Woah." Prompto stood left and then right and watched as it followed.

"I'm sorry Prompto for not believeing you. I've never seen this thing before and with everything going on... I didn't realise..." Cor apologised.

"Don't worry... I get a lot of crap all the time." Prompto nervously smiled.

"Prompto!" Noct lightly slapped his shoulder.
"Don't say anything like that again!" Noct added, Worrying for his mental state.

"I want to try something, but step back." He pushed Noct back towards the direction of the seats and everyone else sat down.

Prompto closed his eyes. He was facing away from the group so they didn't see his tears. He thought deeply and hardly, asking it to call upon the other MT's in the area. The group watched as the dead MT's outside rose like the walking dead and stumbled inside, missing body parts and their wires exposed. Prompto took a few steps back and whispered a word in the silence.


All the bots locked onto their new master. Prompto played around with his new power.

"Jump." They all jumped up.

"Crouched." They did as he asked.

Finally he let out another command.

"Die." The bots dropped like dead flies all in one quick motion. The life disappearing from their eyes.

He turned back to face the group, his face was a potion of sweat and tears and the stream of blood cane pouring out of his nose. He collapsed to the floor but didn't pass out. His face looked at Noct as he tried to smile.

"I have finally found my calling."

Worthless// A Final Fantasy XV Prompto StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora