》Chapter Sixty-Six

Start from the beginning

" So what it will be? You almost got me the first time but I can promise you won't be that lucky again." He has half of a black mask over his face and a very pointy knife in his hand. His eyes seem dark, not really sure what colour they are.

" I want Jade. Give her to us and we're good." Louis tries to bargain but I know better not to trust these people.

"Unfortunately for you, she can't be exchanged." He moves to his right until he's next to the man who's holding my girl in his arms. The knife raises and I'm ready to sprint but Louis stops me, pulling me back.

" Easy, Quick-Draw McGraw."

" Look how beautiful she is. How soft." The blade rests dangerously close to her cheek and I'm so thankful that she's asleep otherwise I don't know if I would control myself. Seeing her eyes asking for help, I couldn't resist that.

"  Let her go!" I bash still not moving because of Louis' hand.

" Now this is how it's gonna go. You let me and my friends getting in the car and wish us a save trip while you wave your pretty girl goodbye. Sounds good?" I grit my teeth, Louis grip on me is starting to ache but I can't blame him. We're barely controlling ourselves.

" She has nothing to do with you, let her go. I'll leave her alone, I'll never speak to her again." My eyes sting at the thought, hwoever, I'd rather seeing her alive and away from me than me crying every night on her grave.

" I'd really like that. Shame, she's not for exchange as I said." He gestures to his man to get on the van, I'm moving my way from one feet to the other desperate for a solution.

" See you soon, Harry." He helps the other guy loading Jade inside the van and I stay there, powerless as he widely smile from the mask. " If you're smart enough, it won't be that soon."

That's the last thing he says to me before the car starts and I find myself running again, only that this time I'm too slow and I crumble exhausted and defeated on the floor. I punch the ground, spit and weep as I uncontrollably let my rage free.

" Harry!" Finn's arms are around mine while he tries to soothe me. " We'll find her, don't worry."

" I lost her. I lost her again." His little fingers hug me in a strong hold as he places his cheek on my shoulder trying desperately to glue my pieces together.

" It's my fault. Everything is my fucking fault." He shushes me but I can't control anything, not even the spasm my body is having. I was so close; how did it even happen?

" You're right, you know?" Louis booms from behind me, his eyes cold as ice. " It is your fucking fault and I hope nothing bad happens to her, because if it does, I'm gonna come after you and I'll kill you with my bare hands." I sigh and get up, cleaning my nose with my sleeve as I breathe and breathe trying to focus on what to do next.

" What do we do now?" Finn breaks the dreadful silence between me and louis' dagger-glare.

" We get the hell out of here and ask your friend to find that damn car plate."

" What do you –" I don't get to finish my sentence because Louis takes out his phone from his pocket and hands it to me. There's a picture of the van taken from the back where you can see the numbers and letters on its number plate. The first ones are clear, the last not so much but we will work on it.

Jade's Pov.

Metallic tools are moved. The smell of ammonia is strong and pierces inside my nostrils, burning them.

As I clear my view from the darkness and the black dots start to become colourful, I get my senses back. Everything is so white for a moment I think I ended up in paradise or something, but then a human voice breaks the spell and I shiver, recognizing it as the man with the scarred hand.

" So, how is she?"

" She's healthy. No STDs, No infections, she's a as fit as an athlete. Ready to be sectioned, my lord." There's this cough coming from behind the screen door but the glass is coloured and it's hard seeing through.

" Perfect. Have her cleaned up and send her to them." Something gets scribbled down then the woman speaks again.

" Are you sure she's the right one? I mean this family screwed up already two of them. What makes you think she's gonna be any different?"

What in the seven hell is this? It looks so much like the Handmaid's tale and nothing could be worse than what happens in that TV show.

" She's a bonus, Clotilde. We don't care much if we lose her or not so might as well be their last chance to be in business with us."

" Understood, sir." The woman bows or something before unlocking the door and entering the room.

She is middle age, black straight hair and a very dry body wrapped in what looks like an expensive silky trousers suit.

" Hello, dear. I'm Clotilde." She doesn't extend her hand out so I don't move, and keep looking at her as if she is insane.

" So you...are a virgin?" I choke in my own saliva, gaining no reaction from her. She stares at me waiting for an answer she already knows.

"This will pay us very well. Do you know how hard is it to find a virgin who's in her 20 years old and is good looking?" I would very much like to roll my eyes at her nevertheless I force my arms to wrap around my shoulders, not wanting to inquire how they know that I'm untouched.

"Now, I'll explain something to you, can you pay attention to me for twenty seconds?" I nod, annoyed by her tone.

" Very well, very well. From now on, your name will be Rain. You will refer to your master as sir or my lord, which one of the two you like the most; your owner will decide what to do with your body which will be available for him at any time of the day or night. If you feel sick or have some accident while performing your duty, you are allowed to inform your master and we will take care of anything that is bothering you. You can't make any phone call of any sort, nobody has to know where you are or what you are doing.  If you disobey you'll face consequences which might also be physical, that is up to your master. They also told me to show you this picture so that you'll be tamed." She hands me a picture on my mom washing dishes, one of her playing with Roy, Harry's dog, and another one of her at work. My blood runs cold at the idea of her getting hurt. But how can they making her forget she ever got a child? She'll look for me.

" She'll try to find me, you know that right? Whatever I call her or not, she will search for me."

" And when she does, we will have her finding a note, written by you that will advise her against it. If that won't be enough, we will be forced to take actions so you better be persuasive. Now, I normally wouldn't be doing this, but do you need help my dear? You know, to figure out...stuff?" Oh my god, I want to punch her in the face! Can't she be any more calm about this mess? I fucking got kidnapped and she's sending me out to be some sex-slave yet she is talking to me like I should be excited.

" I can't be a sex-slave. We're in 2018 for fucks sake and I am the only person entitled of my body." She gives me a sympathetic smile then writes something on her notepad, dismissing me.

" You're gonna get us in so much trouble." She whispers as she nears me and with irritating nonchalance, I feel a needle penetrating my flesh. I get only the time to get off from the examination table before I pass out.

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