Forever alone

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A small figure shakes violently in the soaked cardboard box with the labor free on it she's drenched head to toe the rain continues to poor down on her tiny head she hears the busy sounds of the city footsteps cars people talking.

She didn't even notice the young man looking down at her. He clicks his tongue to get her attention which works she gets up at run to the other side of the box to try and get away but she can't his hands come closer she screams and he picks her up....

Warmth.... she felt warmth all around her from the mans hands it was so nice the man hugged her to his chest which made her giggle from how warm he was "wow would you like to come home with me ?" She smiles up at him till his face starts to Dad she hears a growling noise she wakes up in her box still shaking she looks up at the sound that woke her from her lovely dream

It was a large dog standing over her clearly a stray growling it slowly opens its mouth and then.....

(Sorry for the short chapter finals and stuff)

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