the beast's little one

659 3 1

  warning slight horror elements aka gore

I'm bound and gagged my hands tied behind my back same as my ankles all I have is my ears and I wish they would cover them to

"He's unstable....."

"We have to make him happy throw them in."


" I don't care if the results are the same!"


My already hoarse thoat tries to push my crys for help past the makeshift gag around my mouth drenched in spit from my previous attempts.

My squirming is interrupted by a foot stomping in the small of my back and a harsh shush followed.

Leaving me whimpering, I felt my face get more wet from the tears breaching my blindfold.

This pit in my stomach, this feeling like I'm about to be killed in the worst way. It's hard to concentrate on their conversation with my own heart beating in my ears so loud, making my head feel as if a flood of pain washes to my temples to my ears. I keep wondering if it will be painful if it will be quick, will I feel it, I hope they keep the blindfold on, so I can't see when it happens.

My thoughts are halted as the sound of many footsteps coming towords me. I wiggle and fight my binding as hard as I can. Multiple hands grab my thighs, legs, and hands. My body was hoisted up by my unknown captors. The feeling of lighlessness is then replaced with more panic as I thrash and claw and bite at whatever one of them I can reach. This may have done worse for me as my bandana loosens and falls from my head. My eyes search dart to my surroundings first everything a blur, after a second the white tiles and lab coats the yellow lights buzz slightly the tables with medical equipment. They were what I could take in before I noticed the large hole like a laundry chute but big enough to fit 3 full sized men.

It felt like time stopped as the group toss me in. I'm able to just barely turn and see their faces. I've never seen any of them before... I'm not sure what I thought, but I at least figure maybe I wronged someone or... they were evil... but no, the people who just tossed me to hell looked just as sad as me. I didn't know any of them....

Times arrow keeps marching forward as I feel the cold sheet metal of the chute hit my back and I slide down further and further the light from the top soon fades and I'm slid further and further into darkness...


The floor comes quicker than I thought, and my back is slammed on the cold tile, causing me to bounce and lose the air from my lungs. After a few attempts to breathe, I'm finally able to take deep, greedy breaths from the stale hygienic air. Being in the dark, which brought the first thing I noticed, the area smelled of bleach and other cleaning products like a hospital with 4 janitors working the same shift, all using the same cleaner.

At first, it hurt my eyes and made me cough slightly when I inhaled. I slowly got used to it till the sound of buzzing bulbs filled my ears as two florescent lights dimly shine slowly filing the metal box I'm in with a yellow glow. Still in pain, I haven't moved since my landing. But when I saw a severed hand and pools of dried blood on the floor. I screamed and moved to the closest corner,
scambling away from the hand. I took in the features of the room, the chute
That dropped me here. Now, only a hole in the ceiling on the other side is a large door that looks to open from the middle. As if by me noticing its presence, the door slowly peels open with the sound a gear clanking and motors turning. As soon as the door opens enough for sound and air to pass through, my nose is invaded by the rust like smell of blood. My ears fill with roars and slams from some monster in the next chamber.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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