a scaredy night 2

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Arthur's pov

I remember my village it was small cozy some might call it things like poor and barley able to feed who we have but we got by.

I was kind of a jester of the town pulling pranks getting under peoples skin, it's not like there was anything else to do so the days passed and we where at peace bur then out little village got caught up in some conflict between the kingdom from the east and west.

After a few years of fighting and almost starving the kingdom of the west claimed our village or at least the land its on was given to them. Even though they have no right, they started taxing us and eventually out little village was gone.

I ended up moving from place to place I'm a big coward whenever the going gets tough I get going. I picked up some skills trying to just take enough to get by and not get noticed.

I had a good thing going on a few pickpockets a few cracked locks and then I was on to the next town. Things where going so well I should have known that's when things start to go bad.

I was caught red-handed they gave me 2 options the military or the chopping block. I choose the first option and I shouldn't have boot camp was hell.....

I awake slowly to the cracking sound of fire and flinch remembering what happened being carried further into a dragons den. I sit up and my world begins to spin when my vision settles I turn to the fire that's for some reason not roasting me alive instead making me feel comfortable and cozy.

I'm taken aback by the deep red fire in a giant fire place only feet from me.
I take in the all of the room now.

A giant library reaching so high I can't see the top bookshelf winding and spiraling up into the darkness where the crimson fires light can't reach. Along with the candle sticks scattered with what seems like no pattern. Each made of a difrent wax and candle holder... same as the books and bookshelf a large variety of materials and styles. I thought i was in a cave!?!

I have to close my mouth relising it's hanging open. I finally relise I'm laying on a large grouping of blankets and cushions. I'm pulled from my thoughts a loud yawn is cast and I turn around to see my captor sitting at a larg desk reading with her back turned to me. Her yawn ends with a puff of smoke leaves her large nostrils with embers.


Her head turns and looks at me and I stare back with this dumb look on my face. She closes her book and stands up coming closer ever closer I'm frozen and her large feet keep stepping the sound the force behind each step I shiver more and more. Until she just one step away I flinch and look away.... after nothing happens I look up and see her checking a nearby shelf she grabs two books and returns to her desk. I see her go back into reading. Quickly I stand and try to take a step on the floor. I stop myself before I step on a ground that's littered with gold coins.

So many I can't even see the floors color.

I try to focus on the goal of escape but the bright coins look so shiny.....

They didn't seem so shiny.... before..... Just think of all the bread I could by with one.... why just one? Two could get me a place to say! Or I could fill my pockets and buy back the village.

My hands plunged deep into the gold only thinking my hands would go wrist deep. You can guess my shock when my arms sunk past my elbows.

I quickly try and pull my arms out but they feel heavy and it feel like im getting pulled in. I start to panic and tug harder only for my arms to be pulled in with more force. I panic and scream like a little girl and I'm pulled under. It feels like I'm sinking and the weight all around me is increasing. I try to scream for help but there's no air... I can't breathe.... its getting hard.... to think.....

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