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I look at the scared human shaking under the blanket in the playpen and can't help but frown. This little guys Been through a lot. I'm part of HPP.


Humans are pets but even so they can talk and have feelings there pets but... what happened
To him is just awful. There was a report of screaming from a apartment building when the cops came nothing was wrong but further inspection they noticed blood that lead to a closet were they found him. He was bruised beaten to a pulp naked and laying in his own filth almost dead scars covering his body the HPP were called to rescue him and the cops arrested then man for animal cruelty.

But there was no room back at the shelter for him.... so I took him in.

The first day was easy he was unconscious for it and it was easy to bathe him and get him in some clothes.but know he's awake hiding under a blanket scared. And I don't know what to do. I reach down and gentle touch his shoulder and he jumps up and runs out from under the blanket into a corner of the pen.he looks at me with pure terror in his soft green eyes he had a white t shirt on and a pair of grey sweatpants I frown and clear my thought
* it's okay no ones gonna hurt you* I reach in to pick him up he was cornered so it was easy he let out a small Yelp as I picked him up I could hear him mumbling
*please master I'll be good don't hit me please don't I'll be good boy*

I slowly pet his head and shush him
*shhh it's okay your a good boy I'm not gonna hurt you shhh* I could tell he wanted to fight it but he was enjoying my pets and moved closer to my hand .
"I'm a good boy?" He asked confused
He opened his eyes to give me a adorable confused puppy dog face .

"Of course you are" I tell him with a smile on my face I start to rub his back but he winces in pain.
"Owey "

"I'm sorry did I touch a bruise " he nods and hes on the Verge Of tears again. I think fast grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around him gentle and picking him up over my shoulder. He rests he head and wipes his face on my shirt
After a few minutes I clear my throat

"All better?" all he dose is nod

"Tire?" Another nod

Before I was able to ask him another question he speaks up
"I don't get it....... why did master hate me and.....and you are being so nice I don't deserve this"
I frown and hug him a little tighter making sure not to hurt him.

"No he didn't deserve you. He was a bad man who should have never hurt you"

He began to cry and hug my neck
"Please don't let go!" He cried

" I won't honey" the hold day I held him in my arms until we feel asleep on the couch with him still hugging my neck I could feel his head nuzzle into my neck and it made me giggle .

I think he's gonna be just fine...


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