Curiosity saved the cat

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(AN- title kinda sucks it was this or omgilovecatboistimeforcatboistory)

*Charlotte's pov*

In a dirty allyway near the end of the day sits a knocked over trash can with a old gross towel covering the opening I peak from around the corner it's quiet he should be sleeping. I've been tracking this neko for a week now he seem to come out at night. It's been tough tracking this neko he's a cautious one at that I had to track him using only people that have seen him around. Myselg only seeing him once, it was late at night and I was walking home from work when I noticed a ruckus near my apartment buildings dumpsters thinking I was just some stray animals I go back there trying scare off what I think are raccoons.

Turns out i was half right, I couldn't see so I turned on my phone light shining it on the smallest cutest little neko I've evert seen. He looked up at me in pure terror I got lost in his beautiful blue eyes. I then notice how skinny he is his clothes loosely hang on his 2 foot frame. Before I can think of what I should do next he bolts to the chain link fence behind him and crashes into face first making me wince as he let's out a pained squeak.

I try to move closer to help him but this brings more panic, he trys to squeeze through the spaces of the chain link fence. His pant leg gets caught on a sharp piece of metal from the old fence I get concerned with his struggling he'll cut himself. I move twords him he looks back even more scared almost free from the fence he tugs his leg through the sharp peice of metal shedding his pant leg and his calf. Blood leaking from his leg and he let's a pained cry it broke my heart. He ran off into the darkness despite me calling after him.

But now I can help I feel my heart ache at thinking of how much pain he's in. I look back to see the towel move slightly as the small neko emerges from his "shelter " crawling at first but he trys to stand on his legs only to fall over not being able to stand on his bad leg. It takes all my power not to run up to him and try and scoop him up and comfort him.... but I know that even on a bad leg he could still escape and I WILL NOT let that happen again...

*Jack's pov*

I lay there in pain fighting against tears but it's a loosing battle I try to stand again only this time being able to stand, my legs feeling like jelly the cut from last week still hurts. I'd been ignoring it hoping the pain eventually go away but that never came it only got worse... so bad I can't even hunt I'm so hungry..... a soft sent gets dragged by the wind towards me I sniff the air and look down at the entrance to the ally there's a small piece of food. Just small piece of what looks like (more like hopeing it looks like) fish. I shuffle my way slowly to the food trying as hard as I can to put as little weight on my bad leg as I can. I finally make it and drop to my knees doing a double take to make sure no one was around.... must of fallen out of someone bag I reasoned. I ate it greedily locking my fingers clean after its gone already wishing I had more.... but even after eating it the smell remained I look forward to see some more I gasp and crawl forward eating and then seeing more around the corner.

I finally finished the last piece sighing in satisfaction it was so good... maybe things are looking up.

But right as I thought that strong arms wrapped around me holding my arms to my side. I start to panic I should have known it was bait I was thinking with my stomach I scold myself. Trying to thrash out of the hold im In but it's no use I start to panic and breath heavily not thinking I try to kick my kidnapper I swing my leg forward and back into there thigh..... but in my haste to try and free myself I kick them with my bad leg earning a nice jolt of pain causing a waterfall of tears to escape my eyes. From the mixture of pain and fear. I keep struggling slowly feeling myself get tired, My eyes felt heavy all I could do was beg "Please let me go!please! please! please!" I beg to deaf ears I pass out still mumbling please.

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